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We have a custom button with the following link 


I am trying to convert it as follows such that the links are valid in Lightning. However, except for the Account, it still prompts to select the record type and the various values are not populated 

{!URLFOR($Action.Opportunity.New, Account.Id,[Amount="5000",Name="New Opp for {!Account.Name}", CurrencyIsoCode=TEXT(Account.CurrencyIsoCode), RecordType="012400000009nyv",Stage="Prospecting/Qualification",CloseDate=TODAY()+180])}

Can someone tell what is missing? 

Thank you in advance 



3 answers
  1. Dec 22, 2017, 3:49 AM

    I have a button for the Case to create an opportunity as follows'Prospecting/Qualification'&opp4={!Case.Account}

    As there is no action to create an opportunity record from a case I have to use URLFOR. Here is what I am trying but it does not work



    Any suggestions? 
