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I'm trying to enable spam filtering on a Web-to-Lead form using the Create a Web-to-Lead Form.

This was quite tricky to start with because the pop-up to add an API Key Pair disappears if you click away from it! I managed to manually enter the secret as it was impossible to copy and paste it. Then I made a typo and found it was impossible to edit the key, as the page for editing keys is broken. The only way was to delete the key and add it again through the disappearing pop-up. 

Now I've included the form in our site, but the recaptcha does nothing - if I ignore and click submit, the form submits to anyway which is just a blank page. 

I know this is new functionality but it doesn't seem like it is working at all?
5 answers
  1. Feb 15, 2018, 3:21 PM
    Thank you to Lori for a solution that worked for a while. However, validating client-side isn't secure and there are bots dumping spam into our Org again. I think the bot is simply populating the response variable, allowing the button to be enabled and clicked again. Or perhaps the bot is skipping that altogether and invoking a click event without the button being enabled. Either way, Salesforce NEEDS to solve this problem so that we can validate against the server.