2 answers
Hi Abhinav,Thanks for replying,, in my case its partially start working like now if i write the code and deploy then deployment happening to org, still the ord open command is not working ,,, As per my understanding there will will be some issues in CLI intergrationSteps i done1)Disable and uninstall salesforce Extension pack,,,,,then reinstall2)type command in terminal sfdx update3)type this in terminal npm list -g --depth 04) cltr+shift+P ----->set default org-->choose your org5) cltr+shift+P ----->refresh components6)[OPTIONAL] type command in terminal sfdx update7)Open any compnent do some changes and try to deploy,,8)If still Deploymenti failed ,,,,,kindly go to your org-->type deployment status in search bar-->deployment status-->In side failed,,click on View details and Google that problesNOTE: IF ALL ABOVE STEPS DIDN'T WORK THEN RE- INSTALL FROM SCRATCH