1 answer
I have considered Contact object for time being. But you can replace Contact to any object later.Trigger ----------------------trigger SendEmailToAccount on Contact (after insert) { if(Trigger.isAfter){ if(Trigger.isInsert ){ //helper class for single email but bulk messages HelperContactTrigger.sendEmail(trigger.new); } } // Set<Id> allInsertedIds = trigger.newMap.keySet(); List<Contact> contactList = new List<Contact>(); for(Id eachRecordId : allInsertedIds){ Contact contact = new Contact(); contact.Id=eachRecordId; // add your field which you want to update. contactList.add(contact); } if(contactList!=null && !contactList.isEmpty()){ update contactList; } }---------------------Helper Class
----------------------public with sharing class HelperContactTrigger { //static method public static List<Contact> sendEmail(List<Contact> contacts) { //query on template object EmailTemplate et=[Select id from EmailTemplate where name=:'Sales: New Customer Email']; //list of emails List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage> emails = new List<Messaging.SingleEmailMessage>(); //loop for(Contact con : contacts){ //check for Account if(con.AccountId == null && con.Email != null){ //initiallize messaging method Messaging.SingleEmailMessage singleMail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage(); //set object Id singleMail.setTargetObjectId(con.Id); //set template Id singleMail.setTemplateId(et.Id); //flag to false to stop inserting activity history singleMail.setSaveAsActivity(false); //add mail emails.add(singleMail); //This will not send email to contact emails.setTreatTargetObjectAsRecipient(false); } } //send mail Messaging.sendEmail(emails); return contacts; }}https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/38947/sending-email-notification-using-trigger​Please mark it best if it helps you. Thanks.Regards,Pawan Kumar