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I'm having problems deploying a new case escalation rule with ant. This is the first time we are using Case escalation rules in this org. Per all the documentation ( these should be deployable with ant / package.xml file. 

With my outbound change set, the Case escalation rule goes in an "escalationRules" folder and appears in the package.xml as: 





When I deploy this, I get the error message: 

All Component Failures: 

1.  package.xml -- Error: EscalationRule cannot be a component in a managed or unmanaged package. Remove EscalationRule from package.xml to deploy unpackaged components.

I've tried changing it to the plural to deploy the whole case object: 





And I get the error: 

All Component Failures:

1.  escalationRules/Case.escalationRules (Case.CaseEscalation) -- Error: Not in package.xml


Even though my folder structure and escalation rule matches that exactly. 

I've tried different combinations and can't seem to find any that deploy. Has anyone else run into this problem?

2 answers