So I have an apex class that does 6 queries , one on event and rest on leads.
I call the results of the query on a visual force page.
Everything is working perfect. The only problem is, I do not know how to create a test class for this.
Here is my apex Class that does the query
public with sharing class TestDisplayQueryList{
public List<Event> getEvents {get; set;}
public List<Lead> getLeads {get; set;}
public List<Lead> getlast7Leads{get; set;}
public List<Lead> getlast15Leads{get; set;}
public List<Lead> getlast30Leads{get; set;}
public TestDisplayQueryList(){
//get all future Events
getEvents = [SELECT StartDateTime,Subject,WhoId FROM Event WHERE OwnerId = :UserInfo.getUserId() AND StartDateTime = TODAY ];
//Get leads Created withing one day
getLeads = [SELECT Id,Name,Status,Phone,Email FROM Lead WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:1 AND (Status ='New' or Status = 'Assigned' or Status = 'Working') AND OwnerId = :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 5];
//Get leads created within 7 days
getlast7Leads = [SELECT Id,Name,Status,Phone,Email FROM Lead WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:7 AND (Status ='New' or Status = 'Assigned' or Status = 'Working') AND OwnerId = :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 5];
//Get leads created witing 15 days
getlast15leads= [SELECT Id,Name,Status,Phone,Email FROM Lead WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:15 AND (Status ='New' or Status = 'Assigned' or Status = 'Working') AND OwnerId = :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 5];
//Get leads Created within 30 days
getlast30leads=[SELECT Id,Name,Status,Phone,Email FROM Lead WHERE CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:30 AND (Status ='New' or Status = 'Assigned' or Status = 'Working') AND OwnerId = :UserInfo.getUserId() LIMIT 5];
I made few test classes that insert some leads and events , But was not able to go further than that.
What could be the better approach for the test class for this.
private class TestDisplayQueryList_Test {
static TestMethod void testEx1()
Profile profile1 = [Select Id from Profile where name = 'System Administrator'];
System.debug('What is the profile id ' + profile1);
UserRole portalRole = [Select Id From UserRole Where PortalType = 'None' Limit 1];
date tDate =;
date uDate =;
User u = new User(
UserRoleId = portalRole.Id,
ProfileId = profile1.Id,
Username = '',
Alias = 'batman',
insert u;
System.runas(u) {
Account testAccount1 = new Account(Name = 'TaskMeetingCompleteUnitTest');
insert testAccount1;
Event evet12 = new Event(,DurationInMinutes=50, WhatId =;
insert evet12;
List<Lead> lArr = new List<Lead>(0 ;
for(Integer i = 0 ; i<45 ;i++){
Lead lstLead = new Lead();
lstLead.Company = 'JohnMiller';
lstLead.LastName = 'Mike';
lstLead.Status = 'Assigned';
insert lArr ;
TestDisplayQueryList l = new TestDisplayQueryList();