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Attempt to de-reference a null object - Need Help with Trigger


I need help with a trigger. Someone please help me on what I am doing wrong. Thank you.

My scenario is - For a person Account - Address, City & Zip are filled.

When a Case is created for that Customer - Address, City & Zip should automatically be filled. So that Sales reps don't have to fill those 3 fields again.

Here is my CODE

trigger CasesTrigger on Case (after insert){

    Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id>();

    List<Case> lstCases = new List<Case>();





    Map<ID, Account> MapAccIdtoAccount = new Map<ID, Account>([Select Id, Street__c, City__c, State__c, Zip__c from Account where Id IN:accIds]);



        Case oCase = new Case();




         oCase.Address_Line1__c = MapAccIdtoAccount.get(oCase.AccountId).Street__c ;


           oCase.City__c = MapAccIdtoAccount.get(oCase.AccountId).City__c ;

            oCase.State__c = MapAccIdtoAccount.get(oCase.AccountId).State__c ;

           oCase.Zip__c = MapAccIdtoAccount.get(oCase.AccountId).Zip__c ;






        update lstCases;


7 answers
  1. Sep 23, 2015, 6:31 PM
    Since you're instantiating a new Case object to do the update, you'll need to include the Id of the Case from the trigger.

    Change the first line of your for-loop to this:


    Case oCase = new Case(Id = objCase.Id);

    Hope that helps,
