5 answers
There are multiple ways to handle this depending on exact requirements:First way: You can download WSDL from Salesfore and provide it to other team (mobile app team). Using WSDL provided, they can directly query required information from Salesforce. Also, they can directly update the data in SalesforceSecond way: You can expose APEX functionality on Salesforce using REST API. Please refer sample code for REST API below:https://yoursalesforceguide.blogspot.com/2016/12/exposing-apex-functionality-through.htmlhttps://yoursalesforceguide.blogspot.com/2016/12/calling-external-rest-service-from.htmlThird way: You can get WSDL provided by other team and convert it to APEX class in Salesforce. You need to tweak the class generated to do the needful1. What is the first step should I be doing? (If I'm not wrong, I believe we will also be updating few fields on Opportunity after they have entered their time to clock in or out. If not Oppostunity record, then related object to Opportunity) See if First Way works for them by directly querying/updating salesforce data2. What questions should I be asking them (the developer from Timecard app)? Understand on how (what fields) they are going to query Salesforce3. Do I write a webservice, generate Apex WSDL and give it to them? (Assuming data needs to go from Salesforce to their system)First/Second way should work4. I don't have any experience in .NET, do I need to? No5. Why do I need to look at their API documentation? Are they assuming that I will be writing code on their end? Again, going back what should I be asking them? How does this usually work?6. What do I do with the WSDL file when they give me their, if they do (steps by steps)? You need to convert to APEX class. If you click on APEX classes, there is an option 'Generate from WSDL' that will consume WSDL and convert to ApexI hope this above information gave you some idea to get started.