3 answers
Write a trigger, Whenever a contact record is inserted under an account then thenew record’s MyDate field should be 1 month ahead that of its parent Account’s MyDate field. And if multiplecontact recordsare inserted under one account then the contact records’s MyDate field should be 1 month ahead of each other.For example:There are 3 records of accounts – A1 (1st July 2017), A2 (1st Jan 2018), A3 (1st Oct 2017)Now we are inserting multiple contacts under these 3 accounts like this:A1 –> C1, C2, C3A2 –> C4, C5, C6, C7A3 –> C8, C9So the MyDate fields of new contact records should be like this:C1 – 1st Aug 2017C2 – 1st Sep 2017