I have written the below trigger code. It is working fine but is not at all optimised. It is having three for loops. Can anyone please guide me with a code snippet.
trigger AttachmentTrigger on Attachment (after insert) {
List<Account> accountList = new List<Account>();
List<Lead> leadlist = new List<Lead>();
List<String> emails = new List<String>();
Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id>();
List<Attachment> atts = new List<Attachment>();
for(Attachment att : trigger.New){
if(att.ParentId.getSobjectType() == Lead.SobjectType){
leadList = [Select id , email from lead where id in : accIds];
for(Lead l : leadlist){
accountList = [select id, Email__c from Account where email__c in : emails];
if(accountList!=null && accountList.size()>0){
for(Account acc : accountList){
for(Lead ld : leadlist){
if(ld.email == acc.email__c){
Attachment newFile = new attachment();
newfile.Body = att.Body;
newfile.Name = att.Name;
newfile.Description = att.Description;
newfile.ParentId = acc.id;
insert atts;
Hi Golu,As best practice says that we can not use a query in a loop so please take care of that.trigger AttachmentTrigger on Attachment(before insert) { List<Account> accountList = new List<Account>(); List<Lead> leadlist = new List<Lead>(); List<String> emails = new List<String>(); Set<Id> accIds = new Set<Id>(); List<Attachment> atts = new List<Attachment>(); Map<Id ,Attachment>attMap = new Map<Id, Attachment>(); for(Attachment att : trigger.New) { if (att.ParentId.getSobjectType() == Lead.SobjectType) { accIds.add(att.ParentId); } attMap.put(att.Id,att); } leadList = [Select id , email from lead where id in : accIds]; for(Lead l : leadlist){ emails.add(l.email); } accountList = [select id, Email__c from Account where email__c in : emails]; if(accountList!=null && accountList.size()>0){ for(Account acc : accountList){ for(Lead ld : leadlist){ if(ld.email == acc.email__c){ Attachment newFile = new attachment(); newfile.Body =attMap.get(ld.Id).Body; newfile.Name = attMap.get(ld.Id).Name; newfile.Description = attMap.get(ld.Id).Description; newfile.ParentId = acc.id; atts.add(newFile); } } } } if(!atts.isEmpty()){ insert atts; }}I hope you find the above solution helpful. If it does, please mark as Best Answer to help others too.Thanks and Regards,Deepali Kulshrestha