Using custom url option with salesforce classic login url solved the issue for me.Here's what I did1. Login to salesforce org2. Switch view to salesforce classic from "view profile" option at the top right corner3. Log out (click on user name)4. Copy the url from logged out page5. Use this url in the Custom option while Authorizing an orgExample: https://<domain-name> I was able to resolve this error. The issue was due to using domain instead of in the URL. suresfdx force:auth:web:login --setalias devOrg --instanceurl --setdefaultusername Good morning,
I had this problem, I solved it simply by disconnecting from my company network.
Hello peopleNone of the above information worked for me!I solved it as follows by putting YES! Hi Miguel,
Check this Solution from @Vishesh Maskey (
After working with Salesforce Support, I was able to fix my issue using this article ( below. I am not sure we can assign a port, it will basically redirect back to 1717. On the article all you do is add a new Environment Variable as described at the bootom of the page on the article and it worked.
Add Environment Variable NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED with a Value of 0
Try this way too. Open your project and Try using the command pallette . Press (Ctrl + Shif + P) or Go to View > Command Pallette.
Type 'Authorize an org' > Select Sandbox > Type an Alias or any name > then you will taken to authorize in a browser. Login and you should be good to go. Try logging in sandbox in the same browser prior of doing all these steps which will make it easy.
Hope you find your solution quickly. Do Mark this suggestion as Best Answer if it helps.
Thank you
we were able to solve the same way as Puja; we needed to copy the my.salesforce url, not the
sfdx org:login:web --alias cona --instance-url --set-default
Warning: Ignoring extra certs from `null`, load failed: error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or directory
» Warning: org:login:web is not a sfdx command.
Did you mean plugins? [y/n]:
» Error: Run sfdx help for a list of available commands.
02:30:50.897 sfdx org:login:web --alias cona --instance-url --set-default
ended with exit code 127
Please help on this error.
@miguelm,What is mean by connection error? I am receiving same error, although i never received such error, and therefore wanted to know what made you fix this?
17 answers