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Need test class for the following trigger with atleast 75 code coverage 

Trigger 1

The below trigger  : Lead and Contact have same checkbox fields, both object fields should have same value 

trigger checktheLeadCheckBox on Contact (after update)


for(Contact c : Trigger.New)


List<Lead> li = [select Id, Customer_of_PubKCyber__c,Email,Customer_of_PubKLaw__c from Lead where Email =: c.Email AND IsConverted =: false];

for(Lead l : li)


If(l.Id != null)



l.Customer_of_PubKLaw__c = c.Customer_of_PubKLaw__c;

update l;





Trigger 2 

The below trigger : checking the value of the checkboxes on Contacts object based on a condition 

trigger updatecontactcheckbox on Opportunity (after insert, after update)


for(Opportunity o : Trigger.New)


if( o.Contact__c != null)


Contact c = [select Id, Customer_of_PubKCyber__c,Email,Customer_of_PubKLaw__c from Contact where Id =: o.Contact__c ];

if((o.Subscription_Start_Date__c <= System.Today()) && (o.Subscription_End_Date__c >= System.Today()) && (o.Product_Name__c == 'PubKCyber Newsletter'))


c.Customer_of_PubKCyber__c = True;


else if(o.Product_Name__c == 'PubKCyber Newsletter')


c .Customer_of_PubKCyber__c = false;


if((o.Subscription_Start_Date__c <= System.Today()) && (o.Subscription_End_Date__c >= System.Today()) && (o.Product_Name__c == 'PubKLaw Newsletter'))


c.Customer_of_PubKLaw__c= True;


else if(o.Product_Name__c == 'PubKLaw Newsletter')


c.Customer_of_PubKLaw__c = false;


update c;




Please give me the test class to cover 75 of code coverage to migration.......Very Critical

Please give me the test class to cover 75 of code coverage to migration.......Very Critical
3 answers