I'm trying to return values from a list in an apex class using the value from another list.
So I have list1 = [Select Contact__r.ContactEmail from Registrations__c Id in : lstRegistrations]
and what I want to do is check all the records from another object using the value of ContactEmail from above list.
So something like this:list2=[Select Email from Site__c where Email contains (list1.Contact__r.ContactEmail)]Can this be done?
Any help is much appreciated.
1 answer
you need to create a list of Strings and then added all the emails of the first list, then you do the soql query, something like this:list1 = [Select Contact__r.ContactEmail from Registrations__c Id in : lstRegistrations]List<String> emails = new List<String>();if(list1.size()>0){ for(Registrations__c r : list1){ emails.add(r.Contact__r.ContactEmail); }}if(emails.size()>0){ list2=[Select Email from Site__c where Email IN: emails]}else{ //error message}