4 answers
I've removed that field from the update. Currently, my time-based workflow is changing account owner, book3__c to false and Checkbox1__2 to true after 120 days of faileddate__c. So based on these changes I need to do some updates on the same record. This is my code firing at after update.Id AccRecTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Account.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('MY RecordType').getRecordTypeId(); for(Account acc:trigger.new){ if(acc.Checkbox1__2 == TRUE && acc.recordTypeId == AccRecTypeId){ if(acc.status != 'Now' && acc.status != 'Failed' && acc.status != 'Failed/Lost' && acc.book1__c == FALSE && acc.book2__c == FALSE && acc.book3__c == FALSE && acc.Owner.LastName.contains('automation')){ acc.count= 0; acc.dollors= 0; accountListToUpdate.add(acc); } system.debug('===updatedAccIds==='+updatedAccIds); } }if(!accountListToUpdate.isEmpty()){ update accountListToUpdate; }