4 answers
Guarav,The boards are not here to do basic research for you - please reach out to these companies and do a good due-dilligence exercise to choose the best suite for your needs.https://www.salesforce.com/blog/2015/07/introducing-salesforce-shield.htmlhttp://www.ciphercloud.com/ Guarav,Salesforce Shield is a product offering from Salesforce that provides data encryption at rest. It sits within the Salesforce cloud, but you have control of your encryption keys. CipherCloud is a third party product that provides data encryption and tokenization at rest and is typically installed on-premise within your company's data center and your keys are managed within that environment. Think of it as a "reverse proxy" where all your SF traffic routes through CipherCloud to encrypt/decrypt data. While they functionally do similar things, both products have merit depending on your specific business' needs. Hope that helps.