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hi all, 

when opp stage is "closed won" then none of the fields should be editable. i have created a validation rule for this.

AND( ISPICKVAL( StageName ,"Closed won"),OR(ISCHANGED( Type ),  ISCHANGED( Amount ), ISCHANGED( LeadSource ), ISCHANGED( CloseDate )) )

now when i change the stage field from qualification to closed won along with the changes in any other field. record should be saved but its not getting saved.

what mistake i am doing ? pls help.. do let me know is there anyother way to do this..Thanks
6 answers
  1. Sep 4, 2015, 2:55 PM
    Hi manish,


                     Edit your formula field like below. 


    AND (

    ISPICKVAL (StageName, "Closed won"), NOT (ISCHANGED(StageName)), 

    OR (ISCHANGED(Type), ISCHANGED (Amount), ISCHANGED (LeadSource), ISCHANGED (CloseDate)) 



    If there are any issues, Let me know.


    Vignesh P