3 answers
I think you might want to try this formula instead:
IF( ISPICKVAL( City__c, "Jaipur"),
IMAGE( "https://solidwize.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Green-Check-Mark.jpg", "valid", 30, 30),
IMAGE("https://images.clipartpanda.com/wrong-clipart-red-wrong-cross-md.png" , "invalid", 30, 30))
Pardon me if I made a typo in the URL to the images, but this formula will work better than a CASE Statement, if it would work at all.
Regards,ParkerHi Romil, In your formula expression just replace City__C="Jaipur" with ISPICKVAL(City__c, 'Jaipur')Thats it.Thanks,Dilip. Hi Romil, For picklist field value comparision, please use "ISPICKVAL" function. Since City__c field is picklist type, it should be
ISPICKVAL(City__c, 'Jaipur')