2 answers
Hi,click setup--> create --> objects --> Section_2_Balance_Sheet_c --> scroll down to "Record Type Section" --> you will find two record type that you have created, click the record type name you want to update the pick list value --> in "Picklists Available for Editing" section you will find Type__c --> click "Edit" ,update the pick list value.Thanks. Hi @Nevin O'Regan 8,Here are the steps you need to follow!Click: Setup > Create> Objects> Section_2_Balance_Sheet_c> Record Types > then click on each of the record types you need to add the picklist value to.On the record type detail page you will find a section called Picklists Available for Editing. From that list locate your picklist field and click Edit.Add the values you need to the right column.Click Save.Note : When adding new record types it’s possible to include a picklist field on the page layout but it fails to make any of the picklist values available for use. The result is a field you have full access to but no way of seeing or selecting a picklist value recently added but not added in available options for picklist. Therefore make sure to mark it in the available list.Thanks,Smriti