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I have some assumptions for this trail that I’m hoping will lead to the right answer. However, after going over the instructions a number of times, I can’t verify that these are correct.


Record Types


I’m assuming that I need to create record types for cases and opportunities. I’m planning to name the record types for cases:


“Reported by a customer”

“Reported by an expedition leader”


I’m assuming that the check doesn’t care what these are called or the case of the characters.


For opportunities, I’m planning:


“Individual Opportunity”


I’m assuming that the data I need to upload will be “Individual_Opportunity” to match what will be the actual name of the type, not it’s label. I already have an “Individual Opportunity” sales process that I plan to tie this to.


User Profiles


I’m assuming I need to create new user profiles because the instructions say: “Enable this navigation for the sales, service, and fulfillment profiles (expedition leaders and fulfillment team members), system administrators, the custom support profile, and custom sales profile.” I see the following user profiles that match three of these:


Custom: Sales Profile

Custom: Support Profile

System Administrator


I believe these match the last three listed in the instructions, but I don’t see anything for the first three. It’s possible “Custom: Sales Profile” matches “sales” and “Custom: Support Profile” matches “service”, but that doesn’t seem likely. So, I’m planning to use the three I believe match plus these three new ones:






Presumably, expedition leaders and fulfillment team members will be assigned the Fulfillment profile. I’m not sure who will be assigned the other five profiles, although “System Administrator” doesn’t need to map into any of the business roles in Relaxation Gauntlet.


Opportunity Products


I’m using Data Loader to load data. It does not see any Opportunity Products table. Instead, it finds “Adventure Package (OpportunityLineItem)”. I’m assuming that the internal name for the Opportunity Products table is “OpportunityLineItem”. And, it thinks “Adventures” is “Product2”, so I’m guessing that the standard table is really named “Product2” rather than “Product”.


Explorers = Contacts


The entity diagram in the instructions does not directly relate the opportunity object to the explorer object (contacts). The explorer object is related to the Adventure Package (Opportunity Products/OpportunityLineItem) and to the fulfillment object. Challenge ⌗8 says, “Import legacy data for opportunities, explorers, adventures, opportunity contact roles, and adventure packages.”


No opportunity contact roles are assigned in the source data for the import. There’s no instruction what to call the role. So, I’m assuming that I can create Opportunity Contact Role records with the ROLE field set to whatever I want (let’s say, “Explorer”) and fill the other fields with some appropriate data (like setting ISDELETED to False), and the check won’t care what I call it.


The instructions don’t say here to create the fulfillment records, so I’m assuming that the check won’t care that this data is missing. I’m also assuming that even though the source data doesn’t have any tab for the opportunity product (Adventure Package) records, I can make this up from the data on the “Opps w Adventure + Explorer” tab data.


Does anyone know if any of these assumptions are incorrect before I load up the data and go on?




Thanks in advance for your advice!


8 answers
  1. Apr 7, 2017, 6:17 AM
    Try like this

    User-added image

    If the status changes to awaiting approval and there is a positive discount value, kick off the discount approval process.

    1 [Opportunity].StageName Equals Picklist Awaiting Approval

    2  [Opportunity].Discount__c Greater than Number 0

    User-added image

    User-added image

    If no discount is applied, the status updates to Scheduled because no approval is needed when a package is purchased at full price.

    1 [Opportunity].StageName Equals Picklist Awaiting Approval

    2  [Opportunity].Discount__c Equals Number 0

    User-added image

    User-added image

    Deposit Made

    After a deposit has been made, it’s reflected on all fulfilment records related to the opportunity by setting the fulfillment status to Paid Deposit.


    If an opportunity is cancelled, it’s reflected on all fulfilment records related to the opportunity by setting the fulfillment status to Cancelled.
