In this episode, Andrew Davis and I talk all about DevOps. A Senior Director of Product Marketing at Copado, Andrew helps us go beyond thinking about it as tools or lifecycle management to viewing it as a philosophy. DevOps is really a way of approaching the process of work and thinking about the development lifestyle.  

During his time at Copado, Andrew has had the opportunity to learn a lot of customer stories.  Tune in to leverage his experience when it comes to tips, tricks and strategies on having a more efficient and positive development experience with the Salesforce Platform.

Show Highlights:

  • Andrew’s definition of DevOps.
  • What the three ways of DevOps are and how they’re important beyond a technical level.
  • The key metrics that prove how effective DevOps is.
  • What Lean is and how it plays into DevOps.
  • How failure works into the continuous flow of this philosophy.
  • How a blameless post-mortem works.
  • A description of some of the Trailhead content centered around Copado.


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