Code Builder Versus Desktop Visual Studio Code

VS Code is a powerful IDE but it requires you to install the app and related tools on your computer. Code Builder enables you to use VS Code in your browser without the need to install anything.

Code Builder unleashes the power of Salesforce Extensions and offers the same rich features as the desktop version. No matter whether you’re using VS Code on your desktop or Code Builder from a browser, the Salesforce extensions you access are the same.

While the extensions generally function the same way regardless of how they’re accessed, there are some nuances to be aware of:

  • Because your Code Builder instance runs in the cloud, authorizing an org from Code Builder follows a different (device) flow than the desktop version. For more information, see Connect to an Org.
  • Code Builder is installed as a managed package, and it comes with everything you need: VS Code, Salesforce extensions, and Salesforce CLI. No installation is required on your local machine.
  • Unlike VS Code for desktop, you can’t access the Microsoft Marketplace from Code Builder. Instead, you can add extensions available in Open VSX marketplace to your Code Builder environment. This means that you might see differences in the extensions that are available.
  • The third-party authorization sequence is different in Code Builder.
  • We keep the Salesforce extensions up to date for you in Code Builder. You don’t need to take any action.

For information on using VS Code on the desktop instead of Code Builder, see Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code.