Announcing the Salesforce1 Platform Spring '14 MVPs Excitement around the Salesforce1 Platform is growing! This week marked Salesforce1 Developer Week where we saw over 3,000 developers turn out at their local Developer Groups to get hands on with the Salesforce1 app. Every day developers learn of the huge opportunity around Salesforce Development. With the Salesforce Developer Communtity now at over 1.5 million developers and having doubled in size over the last 18 months it should be no surprise to see the number of MVPs rising as well.

I’m thrilled to announce today that we’re welcoming ten new members to the MVP program. These are our community leaders, tirelessly sharing their love of Salesforce Development in all its forms – from clicks to code, to integrations with, Heroku and ExactTarget. They’re engaged with the developer community online, offline, and making sure anyone who wants to be a Salesforce Developer gets there. Please join me in congratulating our newest MVPs!

I’m also pleased to congratulate the following MVPs who have had their terms renewed for another year:

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