Migrate Access Controls

Migrate access controls for an Aura component to the appropriate value for <isExposed> in a Lightning web component’s configuration file. Migrate access controls for an attribute in an Aura component to the appropriate combination of a JavaScript property decorator and value for <isExposed>.

To manage access to an Aura bundle’s resources, such as a component or attribute, use the access system attribute. For example, this component has global access, which means that the component can be added to a managed package and used in another org. The Aura component can also be used in Lightning App Builder or Experience Builder in another org if it implements the appropriate interface.

The mechanism for access control is different in a Lightning web component, where access is defined by JavaScript property decorators and the component’s configuration file.

Here’s how the access values for an Aura component map to a Lightning web component.


Available within your org only.

Set <isExposed>false</isExposed> in the component’s configuration file.


Available in all orgs. The component can be added to a managed package and used in another org. The Aura component can also be used in Lightning App Builder or Experience Builder in another org.

Set <isExposed>true</isExposed> in the component’s configuration file.

Here’s how the access values for an Aura attribute map to a Lightning web component.


Available within the component only.

Use a JavaScript field.


Available within your org only.

Do both of these steps in a Lightning web component.

  1. Use a JavaScript field with an @api decorator.
  2. Set <isExposed>false</isExposed> in the component’s configuration file.

Available in all orgs.

Do both of these steps in a Lightning web component.

  1. Use a JavaScript property with an @api decorator.
  2. Set <isExposed>true</isExposed> in the component’s configuration file.

See Also