Prerequisites for Digital Commerce APIs

Before starting to use Digital Commerce features, ensure you meet the following prerequisites:

  • You have installed the latest version of CME.

  • You have the latest version of Postman installed on your computer. You can download the latest version here:

  • You have added new picklist values to the CachedAPIResponse object (see Picklist Value Activation for more information).

  • If you are using the Winter '20 version or later, create a new trigger named CacheAPI.CacheManagement from the Trigger Setup page and set it to On.

  • Check Vlocity CMT Administration > CPQ Configuration Setup for the following:

    • Multi-Transaction Service should be set to true by default (MTSEnabled = true) and is used to avoid exceeding Salesforce Governor limits. See Multi-Transaction Service.

    • The CacheAPI.CreateCartFromContextKey value is false by default, but it is recommended that the value be set to true. The difference in usage explained in Create Cart from Basket section below

  • Execute Vlocity CMT Administration > Cacheable API Jobs > LOAD API METADATA. See Populate Cache Batch Process for more information.

    Run the Load API Metadata job only once. Subsequent executions reset the APIs to their default configuration and erase any changes to API metadata (such as extensions to parameters).

  • You have enabled Usage-Based Pricing. For details, see: