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TMF651 Agreement Management API

  • The TMF651 API provides a standardized mechanism for managing agreements, especially in the context of partnerships between partners. The TMF651 API allows the creating, updating and querying of agreement instances, as well as the creating, updating and querying of agreement specifications, which act as templates for agreement instances.
  • Following block diagram provides a high-level overview of how the various components are involved in handling TMF651 API operations (GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE). TMF651 Components
  • Using TMF651 API for Agreement Specification you can perform the following operations.
    • Retrieve the list of agreement specifications from the system
    • Get the agreement specification details
    • Create an agreement specification
    • Update an existing agreement specification
    • Delete an existing agreement specification
  • Required Platform license: Contract Management.
  • Required Addon: ContractManagementAddon, DocGenDesigner.
  • Enable Salesforce Contracts on the org.
  • Required Org permissions: ContractMgmt, DocGen, and CommsCloud.

To access and use the TMF651 API:

  1. Accept Terms and Enable Access
  2. Authorize Access
  3. Call the API
  4. View TMF651 API Specification.