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  • The TMF651 API provides a standardized mechanism for managing agreements, especially in the context of partnerships between partners. The TMF651 API allows the creating, updating and querying of agreement instances, as well as the creating, updating and querying of agreement specifications, which act as templates for agreement instances.
  • Following block diagram provides a high-level overview of how the various components are involved in handling TMF651 API operations (GET, POST, PATCH, and DELETE). TMF651 Components
  • Using TMF651 API for Agreement Specification you can perform the following operations.
    • Retrieve the list of agreement specifications from the system
    • Get the agreement specification details
    • Create an agreement specification
    • Update an existing agreement specification
    • Delete an existing agreement specification

In general, we can consider the various use cases listed based on the operation you want to perform.

It is assumed that you have completed the following.

Following block diagram provides a sequence of operations involved. Sequence


I want to
Request TypeExample URL
Retrieve and display details of a particular agreement specification.GET by ID{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreementspecification/{id-of-the-resouce-to-be-retrieved}

For invalid customer ID, you will receive HTTP 404 error.
Based on the provided field values, retrieve and display details of agreement specification.GET with Fields{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreementspecification?fields=name

The requested fields will be part of output, if they have value.
List all the agreement specifications present in the system.GET List{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreementspecification
List agreement specifications present in the system based on the filter applied.GET List with Filtering{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreementspecification?name=testing

The requested fields will be part of output, if they have value.
List customer accounts based on the name, limit the number of customer accounts to a maximum of specified limit, and
starts the results display from page specified by offset.
GET List by limit and offset{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreementspecification?pageLimit=1&offset=1
Create a new agreement specification by providing the required details.POST{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreementspecification

A new agreement specification gets created based on the values mentioned for the mandatory fields.
Update details of particular agreement specification.PATCH{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreementspecification/{ID}
Delete an agreement specification.DELETE{{orgendpoint}}/services/data/{{version}}/connect/comms/agreementmanagement/v4/agreementspecification/{ID}

Consider you want to retrieve details of a particular agreement specification.

Consider you want to retrieve details of an agreement specification with requested attributes (id, href are always included).

Consider there are agreement specifications in the system and you want to list all of them.

Consider you want to retrieve all the agreement specifications in the system with applied filter values.

Consider you want to

  • Retrieve a list of agreement specifications
  • Limit the number of results to a maximum of specified limit
  • Start the results display from page specified by offset

NOTE: The above pagination query - limit=1&offset=1 will start display from page 1 and will have 1 record.

Consider you want to create a new agreement specification.

Consider you want to update details of a particular agreement specification.

Request body will have fields that needs to be updated.

Consider you want to delete details of a particular agreement specification.

No request body.

Status code 204 with no response body