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Create an Integration Definition

To connect Salesforce with an external system, create Apex integration definitions. APIs work with the integration definitions to perform operations in both Salesforce and the external system.


To use MuleSoft as the middleware layer, turn on MuleSoft Integration and create named credentials. See Get Started with MuleSoft Direct Integrations

  1. In Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Integration Definitions, and then select Integration Definitions.

  2. Click New.

  3. For Type, select Apex Defined.

  4. For Name and Developer Name, enter EU_Integration.

  5. Click Next.

  6. For Apex Class, search and select eucommon.EUIntegrationHandler.

  7. Enter the attribute name.

    The EUIntegrationHandler Apex Class has the default named credential set to EU_Named_Credential. Replace the default value with the named credentials in your system.

  8. Save the definition and then click Activate.