
The ContentArea object represents a defined section of reusable content. An email can contain one or more content areas. A content area is always acted upon in the context of an Email object.

Marketing Cloud Engagement has a new model for storing, finding, managing, creating, sharing, and distributing all content-related objects. Access the objects created with the new Content Builder tools using the REST API. Your existing SOAP API integrations only function with the Classic tools.

NameData TypeDescription
BackgroundColorxsdIndicates background color of content area
BorderColorxsdIndicates color of border surrounding content area
BorderWidthxsdIndicates pixel width of border surrounding content area
CategoryIDxsdSpecifies the identifier of the folder.
CellpaddingxsdIndicates pixel value of padding around content area
CellspacingxsdIndicates pixel value of spacing for content area
ClientClientIDSpecifies the account ownership and context of an object.
ContentxsdIdentifies content contained in a content area.
CorrelationIDxsdIdentifies correlation of objects across several requests.
CreatedDatexsdRead-only date and time of the object's creation.
CustomerKeyxsdUser-supplied unique identifier for an object within an object type. This property corresponds to the external key assigned to an object.
FontFamilyxsdIndicates font family used in content area
HasFontSizexsdIndicates whether the content area includes a specified font size or not
IDxsdRead-only identifier for an object. Some objects use the ObjectID property as a unique ID.
IsBlankxsdIndicates if specified content area contains no content.
IsDynamicContentxsdIndicates if specific content area contains dynamic content.
IsLockedxsdIndicates if specific email content area within an Enterprise or Enterprise 2.0 account is locked and can’t be changed by subaccounts.
IsSurveyxsdIndicates whether a specific content area contains survey questions.
KeyxsdSpecifies key associated with content area in HTML body. Relates to the Email object via a custom type.
LayoutLayoutTypeThe layout type of the content area. Accepted values are HTMLWrapped, RawText, and SMS. The layout value HTMLWrapped displays as a Free Form orientation content area in the UI. The value RawText displays as HTML only.
ModifiedDatexsdIndicates the last time object information was modified.
NamexsdName of the object or property.
ObjectIDxsdSystem-controlled, read-only text string identifier for object.
ObjectStatexsdReserved for future use.
OwnerOwnerDescribes account ownership of subscriber in an on-your-behalf account.
PartnerKeyxsdUnique identifier provided by partner for an object. This property is accessible only via API.
PartnerPropertiesAPIProperty[]A collection of metadata supplied by the client and stored by the system. These properties are accessible only via API.
WidthxsdIndicates pixel width of content area