POST /asset/v1/content/assets/query

Get several assets by query.

Get an asset collection by advanced query.

queryobjectRequired. Contains the actual search request, comprised of one, or more simple queries. Combine multiple query objects into an advanced query using the logical operator AND, or OR.
query.propertystringRefers to an element of the asset you are querying.
query.simpleOperatorstringRepresents the comparison you are making between the property and the value.
query.valuestringRepresents the data you are comparing the property for returning search results. The value can be practically any constant expression:
  • a single word
  • a phrase
  • sentence
  • a number with, or without decimals
. When filtering for a property among multiple values, such as when using the in operator, the value field becomes values.
pageobjectContains page and pageSize. For page, start with 1 and continue until you get zero results. pageSize is the number of results per page to return.
sortobjectContains one or more properties to use for sorting, and also determines the direction in which to sort the data.
fieldsobjectList of asset properties used to reduce the size of your results to only the properties you need.

The sort syntax is the asset property name followed by the order direction, either asc or desc. This example sorts by both ID and version, in ascending and descending order, respectively.

A complex query is composed of two or more simple queries joined with an AND or OR logical comparison operator. The simple queries are contained in a leftOperand JSON field and rightOperand JSON field. A third field, the logicalOperator, is used to compare the two operands. You can also embed queries inside other queries.

equalCompares numbers and strings. Specifies that search results must contain an exact match of the words included in the search terms.
notEqualCompares numbers and strings.
lessThanCompares numbers only.
lessThanOrEqualCompares numbers only.
greaterThanCompares numbers only.
greaterThanOrEqualCompares numbers only.
likeCompares strings only. Specifies that search term must be similar to, but not necessarily a proper substring of, search results.
containsCompares strings only. Specifies that search results must contain at least one of the words included in the search terms.
mustcontainSpecifies that search results must contain all words included in the search terms.
startsWithCompares strings only.
inValue is among the list of values. Use this operator to retrieve a list of assets by their IDs, or a list of assets by nearly any enumerable value.
whereValue is an exact match of the property's value. Compares only strings within enumerables, such as tags and attributes. Use this operator to query the tags and attributes list properties for assets where at least one item in the list matches your query.

Example Request

This example returns all assets whose version is 2 and is Template, returning the first 50 results, sorted by asset id, ascending.

Example Response

In addition to standard fields always returned on the asset object, the response contains any optional asset fields specified in the request.

Query for Archived Assets

You can query for archived assets by including a filter for the asset's or id value. Modify the first example request to replace the leftOperand with a filter that includes the asset's of Archived, as shown here.

The response contains a collection of zero or more archived assets of asset type Template.

200  A collection of assets
 CustomerKeystringReference to customer's private ID/name for the asset.
 ContentTypestringThe type that the Content attribute is in.
 DataobjectContainer for asset properties.
 AssetTypeobjectThe type of the asset saved as a name/ID pair.
 VersionnumberThe version of the asset.
 LockedbooleanSpecifies whether the asset can be modified.
 FilePropertiesobjectStores the different properties that this asset refers to if it is a file type.
 NamestringName of the asset, set by the client. 200 character maximum.
 DescriptionstringDescription of the asset, set by the client.
 CategoryobjectID of the category the asset belongs to.
 TagsarrayList of tags associated with the asset.
 ContentstringThe actual content of the asset.
 DesignstringFallback for display when both Content and Supercontent are not provided.
 SuperContentstringContent that supersedes Content in terms of display.
 CustomFieldsobjectCustom fields within an asset.
 ViewsobjectViews within an asset.
 BlocksobjectBlocks within the asset.
 MinBlocksnumberMinimum number of blocks within an asset.
 MaxBlocksnumberMaximum number of blocks within an asset.
 ChannelsobjectList of channels allowed to use this asset.
 AllowedBlocksarrayList of blocks allowed in the asset.
 SlotsobjectSlots within the asset.
 BusinessUnitAvailabilityobjectA dictionary of member IDs granted access to the asset.
 sharingPropertiesobjectAllows you to share content with one or more business units having Content Builder Sharing enabled. See Sharing for additional information.
 sharingProperties.sharedWithobjectList of MID IDs with which the asset is shared.
 sharingProperties.sharingTypestringIndicates the permission that you are granting to the list of MIDs in sharedWith. Possible values are
  • view.
  • edit.
  • local.
 TemplateobjectTemplate that the asset follows.
 FilestringBase64-encoded string of a file associated with an asset.
 GenerateFromstringTells the sending compiler what view to use for generating this view's content.
400  Bad request
 MessagestringThe error message.
 ErrorCodenumberThe specific error code.
 DocumentationstringAny specific documentation for the error.
403  Permission error
 MessagestringThe error message.
 ErrorCodenumberThe specific error code.
 DocumentationstringAny specific documentation for the error.

For more use cases related to this reference material, see Use Case Examples for Enhanced Content Search.