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The Automation object defines an Automation Studio automation. To update, delete, or perform an automation, you must have the Automation Studio | Automation permission.

The only supported operators for the Automation object are IN and EQUALS. Complex filters aren't supported.

NameData TypeDescription
AutomationSourceAutomationSource objectAn object that identifies the source of the automation.
AutomationTasksArray of AutomationTask objectsAn array of objects. Each object specifies a task in the automation.
AutomationTypeStringThe type of automation.
ClientClientIDDefines which account owns the automation.
CorrelationIDStringIdentifies calls involved in a specific asynchronous process.
CreatedDateStringThe date and time when the object was created. Read-only.
CustomerKeyStringA user-supplied unique identifier for the automation, sometimes referred to as the external key.
DescriptionStringA description of the object.
IDIntegerA unique ID for the object. Not used with this object type.
InteractionObjectIDStringA unique ID for activities within the asynchronous process of the overall conversation or program.
IsActiveBooleanSpecifies whether the object is active.
KeywordStringNot used.
ModifiedDateStringThe date and time when the object was last modified. Read-only.
NameStringThe name of the automation.
NotificationsArray of AutomationNotification objectsAn array of objects. Each object represents a notification to send when the automation completes.
ObjectIDStringA unique ID for the object. Not used with this object type.
ObjectStateStringNot used.
OwnerOwnerDescribes the account ownership of a subscriber in an account that is managed on your behalf.
PartnerKeyStringA unique identifier for an object, provided by a partner. This property can only be accessed by using the API.
PartnerPropertiesArray of APIProperty objectsA collection of metadata supplied by the client and stored by the system. This property can only be accessed by using the API.
ProgramIDStringAn identifier for the automation. Read-only.
ScheduleScheduleDefinitionAn object that represents the schedule for the automation.
ScheduledTimeStringThe date and time when the automation is scheduled for publishing. Specify the value in ISO 8601 format with UTC time or a timezone offset. The specified time can be up to 30 days in the future.
StatusIntegerA code that indicates the status of the automation. See (Status Codes)[#status-codes] for more information.

The values of the ScheduledTime and CreatedDate properties are always shown as "0001-01-01T00:00:00.000".

The Status property can contain the values in this table.

-1The automation failed.
0The automation failed while being built.
1The automation is being built.
2The automation is ready to start.
3The automation is running.
4The automation has been paused.
5The automation has been stopped.
6The automation is scheduled.
7The automation is waiting for a trigger.
8The trigger for the automation is inactive.