MobilePush Events

Event Notification Service (ENS) supports the following event notification types and their corresponding payloads.

Notification Event CategoryNotification Event TypeDescription
SendEventsPushSentEmitted when a push notification is sent.
SendEventsPushNotSentEmitted when a push notification send fails to fully execute.
SendEventsPushBouncedEmitted when a push notification is bounced back by the Push Notification Service (PNS).
EngagementEventsPushOpenEmitted when a user opens a push notification on their mobile device.
EngagementEventsInAppDisplayEmitted when an in-app message is displayed in-session due to a user taking a high-value, tracked action with their mobile app.
EngagementEventsInAppDismissEmitted when a user dismisses an in-app message.
EngagementEventsInAppClickEmitted when a user interacts with an in-app message using the message's Call-to-Action (CTA) button.
EngagementEventsInboxOpenEmitted when a user opens an inbox message.

PushSent, PushNotSent, PushBounced, and PushOpen events are inclusive of all send methods, such as Mobile Studio batch, Journey Builder, Transactional API, and REST API-triggered sends. To filter events by a particular send type, set up a subscription filter.

All or some of these attributes are shared for all event data payloads.

eventCategoryTypeStringThe taxonomy of the event.
compositeIdStringEvent ID.
timestampUTCNumberUTC Epoch time.
definitionKeyStringName of the send definition.
definitionIdStringA unique message ID. Only present if the send method used is Transactional API.
compositeObjectObject containing composite identifiers related to the event.
composite.jobIdStringMarketing Cloud Engagement Job ID (nullable for EngagementEvents.PushOpen events).
composite.subscriberIdStringInternal ID of the user the message was sent to.
composite.deviceIdStringInstance of the app installation on the user's device.
midNumberMember identifier of the Engagement business unit that produced the event.
eidNumberEnterprise identifier of the Engagement parent business unit that produced the event.
infoObjectObject containing detailed information about the event.

ENS triggers the SendEvents.PushSent event when a push notification is successfully sent to a user's device using the Engagement platform.

This event applies to all send methods, such as Mobile Studio batch, Journey Builder, Transactional API, and REST API-triggered sends.

toStringThe unique address the message was sent to. In this case, the end user's device ID.
contactKeyStringA unique ID for the contact.
requestIdStringA unique ID for the request. Used to track message status.
sendMethodStringThe method used to send the push notification. Potential values include MobileStudio, JourneyBuilder, TriggeredSend, and LLTS (Transactional API).
messageKeyStringA unique ID for the message. Only available if sendMethod is LLTS.
appIdStringThe MobilePush app ID.
deviceObjectAn object containing device information.
device.platformStringThe platform of the receiver's device. For example, iOS.

The following event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for a SendEvents.PushSent event.

ENS triggers the SendEvents.PushNotSent event when a push notification send fails. Send failures can occur due to various reasons, including network or service errors, Object Message Mapping (OMM) errors, or AMPscript errors.

This event applies to all send methods, such as Mobile Studio batch, Journey Builder, Transactional API, and REST API-triggered sends.

toStringThe unique address the message was sent to. In this case, the end user's device ID.
contactKeyStringA unique ID for the contact.
requestIdStringA unique ID for the request. Used to track message status.
sendMethodStringThe method used to send the push notification. Potential values include MobileStudio, JourneyBuilder, TriggeredSend, and LLTS (Transactional API)..
messageKeyStringA unique ID for the message. Only available if sendMethod is LLTS.
appIdStringThe MobilePush app ID.
statusCodeStringThe message send status code or enum.
statusMessageStringBrief error message.
deviceObjectAn object containing device information.
device.platformStringThe platform of the receiver's device. For example, iOS.

The following event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for a SendEvents.PushNotSent event.

ENS triggers the SendEvents.PushBounced event when a push notification is sent by the Engagement servers but is bounced back by the PNS, such as Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) or Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). Push notifications can bounce due to various reasons, such as the recipient uninstalling the app from their device or a mismatch between the ServerKey and SenderID.

This event applies to all send methods, such as Mobile Studio batch, Journey Builder, Transactional API, and REST API-triggered sends.

toStringThe unique address the message was sent to. In this case, the end user's device ID.
contactKeyStringA unique ID for the contact.
requestIdStringA unique ID for the request. Used to track message status.
sendMethodStringThe method used to send the push notification. Potential values include MobileStudio, JourneyBuilder, TriggeredSend, and LLTS (Transactional API)..
messageKeyStringA unique ID for the message. Only available if sendMethod is LLTS.
appIdStringThe MobilePush app ID.
bounceCodeStringOne word feedback from APNS or FCM.
bounceMessageStringBounce reason.
deviceObjectAn object containing device information.
device.platformStringThe platform of the receiver's device. For example, iOS.

The following event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for a SendEvents.PushBounced event.

ENS triggers the EngagementEvents.PushOpen event when a user opens a push notification on their mobile device.

This event must originate from the MobilePush SDK.

toStringThe unique address the message was sent to. In this case, the end user's device ID.
contactKeyStringA unique ID for the contact.
requestIdStringA unique ID for the request. Used to track message status.
sendMethodStringThe method used to send the push notification. Potential values include MobileStudio, JourneyBuilder, TriggeredSend, and LLTS (Transactional API)..
messageKeyStringA unique ID for the message. Only available if sendMethod is LLTS.
appIdStringThe MobilePush app ID.
deviceObjectAn object containing device information.
device.platformStringThe platform of the receiver's device. For example, iOS.

The following event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for a EngagementEvents.PushOpen event.

ENS triggers the EngagementEvents.InAppDisplay event when an in-app message is displayed in-session due to the user peforming a high-value, tracked action within their mobile app.

This event must originate from the MobilePush SDK.

toStringThe unique address the message was sent to. In this case, the end user's device ID.
contactKeyStringA unique ID for the contact.
appIdStringThe MobilePush app ID.
messageTriggerStringThe event that triggered the in-app message display.
deviceObjectAn object containing device information.
device.platformStringThe platform of the receiver's device. Potential values include iOS and Android.

The following event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for a EngagementEvents.InAppDisplay event.

ENS triggers the EngagementEvents.InAppDismiss event when an in-app message is dismissed in-session, either by the user hitting the X button or by timing out.

This event must originate from the MobilePush SDK.

toStringThe unique address the message was sent to. In this case, the end user's device ID.
contactKeyStringA unique ID for the contact.
appIdStringThe MobilePush app ID.
displayDurationIntegerIn-app message display duration.
messageTriggerStringThe event that triggered the in-app message display.
dismissTypeIntegerDenotes whether the in-app message was user-dismissed or time-dismissed.
deviceObjectAn object containing device information.
device.platformStringThe platform of the receiver's device. Potential values include iOS and Android.

The following event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for a EngagementEvents.InAppDismiss event.

ENS triggers the EngagementEvents.InAppClick event when a user interacts with an in-app message using the message's CTA button during an app session.

This event must originate from the MobilePush SDK.

toStringThe unique address the message was sent to. In this case, the end user's device ID.
contactKeyStringA unique ID for the contact.
appIdStringThe MobilePush app ID.
buttonClickedStringThe name, CTA, or title of the button the user clicked.
displayDurationIntegerIn-app message display duration.
messageTriggerStringThe event that triggered the in-app message display.
dismissTypeIntegerDenotes whether the in-app message was user-dismissed or time-dismissed.
deviceObjectAn object containing device information.
device.platformStringThe platform of the receiver's device. Potential values include iOS and Android.

The following event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for a EngagementEvents.InAppClick event.

ENS triggers the EngagementEvents.InboxOpen event when a user opens an inbox message that's been downloaded to the mobile app's inbox.

This event must originate from the MobilePush SDK.

toStringThe unique address the message was sent to. In this case, the end user's device ID.
contactKeyStringA unique ID for the contact.
appIdStringThe MobilePush app ID.
requestIdStringA unique ID used to track message status.
deviceObjectAn object containing device information.
device.platformStringThe platform of the receiver's device. Potential values include iOS and Android.

The following event notification payload is an example of what your callback receives for a EngagementEvents.InboxOpen event.