POST /platform/v1/ens-verify

Verifies a callback so that it can receive notifications.

callbackIdstringRequired. A unique identifier of the callback.
verificationKeystringRequired. A unique, single-use verification code for the callback. This value is returned as a response to a creation request.

The Event Notification Service requires a two-step verification process for registering a callback. Two-step verification ensures that the stream of event notifications can’t be used to attack an external URL endpoint. To achieve this security, the URL endpoint must have a critical role in the verification process. Therefore, it’s the only receiver of the single-use verification key needed to complete callback verification.

In callback verification, a unique, single-use verification key is generated when you create a callback and is sent to the callback URL that you registered using the create callback route. The payload that is posted to the callback URL is the same payload used to call the verify callback route.

The URL endpoint must capture verification details, including the verification key, and immediately return them by calling the verify callback route. Alternatively, you can capture the verification details so that developers can manually call the verify callback route.

To log the verification details in a request that uses manual verification, use this code in your callback implementation.

To manually verify the callback, use the logged verification details to invoke the verify callback route.

Ensure that your callback completes verification within four hours.

200 OKThe callback was verified.
400 Bad RequestThe server was unable to process the request.
403 ForbiddenThe server was unable to authorize the request.
404 Not FoundIncorrect callback ID, verification key, or both.
500 Server ErrorAn internal error occurred.