Error Codes and Messages

Use your error code or message to troubleshoot problems with the API.

Use CTRL+F to search this page for the error code or message you received.

In versions 3 and 4, errors are formatted as follows:

In version 5, errors are formatted as follows:

Message: Invalid API key or user key

Problem: Either the user or API keys are incorrect, or the API key has expired.

Solution: Check the user and API keys in the request. If the user key was entered accurately, then submit a request for a new API key.

Message: Invalid action

Problem: The requested operation wasn’t recognized by the API.

Solution: Verify that the requested operation is valid for the target object type. If that operation is allowed, then check for misspellings and other typos.

Message: Invalid prospect ID

Problem: Account Engagement couldn’t find a match for the provided prospect ID.

Solution: Verify that the prospect ID is accurate.

Message: Invalid prospect email address

Problem: Account Engagement couldn’t find a prospect with the provided email address (for read, update, or delete), or the prospect email address is too long (> 255 characters) or has invalid syntax (for create/upsert). See Allowed Characters in Email Addresses for email address verification.

Solution: If running create or upsert, verify the email address is valid. If running read, update, or delete, verify that a prospect with this email address exists in your Account Engagement instance.

Message: Invalid query parameters

Problem: Account Engagement didn’t recognize any of the provided search parameters.

Solution: Check parameter spellings. Also, ensure that the specified search parameter is supported by the API. See Parameters to Select Prospects for more details.

Message: Invalid time frame

Problem: The value of the timeframe search parameter wasn’t recognized.

Solution: Check for misspellings in the timeframe value. Also, verify that the provided value is supported by the API. See Parameters to Select Prospects for more for supported timeframe values.

Message: Invalid timestamp

Problem: Account Engagement couldn’t decipher a specified timestamp.

Solution: Verify that the timestamp adheres to GNU standards for date and time input. See GNU Date Input Format & Syntax for more information. Also, ensure all characters in the timestamp are URL safe. See Parameters to Select Prospects for supported values.

Message: Invalid time range

Problem: The provided start timestamp is later than the end timestamp.

Solution: Swap the values of the timestamps.

Message: A prospect with the specified email address already exists

Problem: The provided email address is already assigned to a prospect within Account Engagement. This error can occur when a create request with the same email address is submitted more than one time.

Solution: Check the existing prospect record to see if data can be merged through an update request.

Message: Invalid user ID

Problem: The provided user ID doesn’t exist in Account Engagement.

Solution: Verify that the user ID was typed correctly and matches the intended user in Account Engagement.

Message: Invalid user email address

Problem: The provided user email address couldn’t be found in Account Engagement.

Solution: Verify that the provided email address belongs to a registered Account Engagement user and that it was typed correctly.

Message: Invalid group ID

Problem: The provided group ID doesn’t exist in Account Engagement.

Solution: Verify that the group ID was typed correctly and matches the intended group in Account Engagement.

Message: One or more required parameters are missing

Problem: One or more of the required parameters for this type of request are missing.

Solution: Verify that all of the required parameters have been provided. Check that all parameter names were spelled accurately and as specified in Object Field References. Ensure the proper URL punctuation was used, including ? before parameters and & between parameters.

Message: Non-existent prospect ID; No email address provided

Problem: The ID provided for the upsert wasn’t valid, and no email address was provided for a new prospect to be created.

Solution: Verify the provided ID. If creating a prospect was intended, ensure that an email address was provided.

Message: Login failed

Problem: The provided email address, password, or user key is invalid.

Solution: Check the provided credentials for typos. Also, ensure that the specified user account has at least "Marketing" access privileges.

Message: Invalid ID

Problem: The provided ID isn’t valid.

Solution: Ensure that only valid integer values were provided.

Message: Invalid ID range

Problem: The provided ID range isn’t valid.

Solution: Swap the values of the specified IDs.

Message: Invalid value for profile criteria matching status

Problem: The provided value for a profile criteria's matching status wasn’t recognized.

Solution: Ensure that only the values match, nomatch, or unknown are being used.

Message: Invalid value specified for sort_by

Problem: The provided value for the sort_by isn’t a supported sorting order.

Solution: Check that the specified sorting values are listed in Using (Object Type): Supported Sorting Options section for the target object.

Message: Invalid value specified for sort_order

Problem: The provided value for the sort_order isn’t a supported sorting order.

Solution: Ensure that only the values ascending or descending are being used.

Message: Invalid value specified for offset

Problem: The provided value for offset couldn’t be interpreted as an integer.

Solution: Check for typos that can prevent the value from being interpreted.

Message: Unsupported feature in this version of the API

Problem: The feature requested by the API call isn’t implemented in this version of the API.

Solution: Update the request to use the necessary API version.

Message: Invalid value specified for limit

Problem: The provided value for limit is invalid.

Solution: Ensure that the provided value is an integer and is no larger than 200.

Message: Invalid visitor ID

Problem: The provided visitor ID doesn’t exist in Account Engagement.

Solution: Verify that the visitor ID was typed correctly and matches the intended visitor in Account Engagement.

Message: Parameter is_starred must be true or false

Problem: The value specified for is_starred couldn’t be interpreted as a boolean.

Solution: Verify that only the values true or false were specified.

Message: Parameter assigned must be true or false

Problem: The value specified for assigned couldn’t be interpreted as a boolean.

Solution: Verify that only the values true or false were specified.

Message: Parameter deleted must be true or false

Problem: The value specified for deleted couldn’t be interpreted as a boolean.

Solution: Verify that only the values true or false were specified.

Message: Parameter new must be true or false

Problem: The value specified for new couldn’t be interpreted as a boolean.

Solution: Verify that only the values true or false were specified.

Message: Invalid value specified for score

Problem: The value specified for score couldn’t be interpreted as an integer.

Solution: Check for typos that can prevent the value from being interpreted correctly.

Message: Invalid score range specified

Problem: The provided score range isn’t valid.

Solution: Swap the values of the specified scores.

Message: Invalid combination of parameters for score

Problem: A conflicting set of query criteria for the prospect's score has been specified.

Solution: Make sure that score_equal_to isn’t being used in combination with score_greater_than or score_less_than.

Message: Invalid value specified for grade

Problem: The value specified for grade isn’t one of the allowed options.

Solution: Check for typos that may prevent grade from being interpreted correctly. SeeParameters to Select Prospects for supported values. Also, ensure that the specified grades are URL-encoded.

Message: Invalid grade range specified

Problem: The provided grade range isn’t valid.

Solution: Swap the values of the specified grades.

Message: Invalid combination of parameters for grade

Problem: A conflicting set of query criteria for the grade has been specified.

Solution: Make sure that grade_equal_to isn’t being used in combination with grade_greater_than or grade_less_than.

Message: Invalid opportunity ID

Problem: Account Engagement couldn’t find a match for the provided opportunity ID.

Solution: Verify that the opportunity ID is accurate.

Message: One or more required parameter values are missing

Problem: Some of the parameters necessary to complete the specified API request were omitted from the request.

Solution: Ensure that all required parameters have been included. In addition, check from typos in the parameter names. Also check that the request has been properly formatted.

Message: A Salesforce connector was detected

Problem: Your Account Engagement instance has a Salesforce connector. When a Salesforce connector is present, opportunities and prospect account cannot be modified by Account Engagement.

Solution: (NOT RECOMMENDED) Deleting the Salesforce connector allows for opportunity modification to be done through the API. However, doing so disables synchronization with Salesforce. If a Salesforce connector is present, modifications to opportunities must be done within Salesforce.

Message: Invalid campaign ID

Problem: Account Engagement couldn’t find a match for the provided campaign ID.

Solution: Verify that the campaign ID is accurate.

Message: Invalid profile ID

Problem: Account Engagement couldn’t find a match for the provided profile ID.

Solution: Verify that the profile ID is accurate.

Message: Invalid opportunity probability

Problem: The value specified for probability isn’t valid.

Solution: Ensure that the specified value is a number from 0 through 100 inclusive.

Message: Invalid probability range specified

Problem: The specified probability range isn’t valid.

Solution: Ensure that the specified values are numbers from 0 through 100, inclusive. It might be necessary to swap the values of the specified probabilities.

Message: Invalid opportunity value

Problem: The value specified for value is not valid.

Solution: Ensure that the specified value is a non-negative number.

Message: Invalid opportunity value range specified

Problem: The specified value range is not valid.

Solution: Ensure that the specified values are non-negative numbers. It might be necessary to swap the specified values.

Message: The provided prospect_id and prospect_email parameters do not match

Problem: The specified prospect_email and prospect_id parameters do not correspond to the same prospect.

Solution: Ensure that the specified email address and the ID both correspond to the desired prospect. Note: Typically, only one of these parameters is required. Consider omitting one of them.

Message: The provided user_id and user_email parameters do not match

Problem: The specified user_id and user_email parameters do not correspond to the same user.

Solution: Ensure that the specified email address and the ID both correspond to the desired user. (Note: Typically, only one of these parameters is required. Consider omitting one of them.)

Message: This API user lacks sufficient permissions for the requested operation

Problem: The currently authenticated API user doesn't have the necessary permissions to perform the requested operation.

Solution: Some API operations are only available to users with Administrative permissions. If the requested operation has such a requirement, reauthenticate as an administrative user and resubmit the request. See the Authentication section for more information.

Message: Multiple assignment targets were specified

Problem: More than one object was specified as a target for this ASSIGN request. For example, both a group and user were specified as targets of a prospect assignment.

Solution: Ensure that only one target is specified when submitting an ASSIGN request.

Message: Invalid visit ID

Problem: The provided visit ID does not exist in Account Engagement.

Solution: Verify that the visit ID was typed correctly and matches the intended visit in Account Engagement.

Message: Access Denied

Problem: User is not authorized to perform the requested operation either due to access restrictions or forbidden method of passing credentials

Solution: Verify user has required access to perform the requested operation. Ensure that credentials are passed via a supported method as per the API documentation. Contact customer support if problem persists.

Message: Invalid boolean

Problem: Need a valid boolean value, like true.

Solution: Make sure to use lowercase.

Message: Invalid parameter

Problem: Object type is invalid.

Solution: Change the object type to one of the allowed types.

Message: Invalid parameter range

Problem: A parameter in the request is outside its acceptable range.

Solution: Update the parameter to be within the acceptable range.

Message: Client IP address/location must be activated before accessing API

Problem: IP is not in the allowed list.

Solution: Add the IP address to the allowed list to access the API.

Message: Email address is already in use

Problem: Email address is already being used by other prospect.

Solution: Use different email address.

Message: Invalid list ID

Problem: You either did not specify the list ID, or that List ID doesn't exist.

Solution: Specify an ID, or check to make sure using the correct ID.

Message: Invalid number entered for field

Problem: The value entered doesn't match the field's type of Number.

Solution: Verify that there are no characters in the value.

Message: Invalid date entered for field

Problem: The value entered doesn't match the field's type of Date, it is an invalid format.

Solution: Verify that the timestamp adheres to GNU standards for date and time input. See GNU Date Input Format & Syntax for more information. Also, ensure all characters in the timestamp are URL safe. See Supported Search Criteria in Prospects for supported values.

Message: That prospect is already a member of that list. Update the membership instead.

Problem: The prospect is a member of the list already.

Solution: Update the membership.

Message: A CRM connector was detected

Problem: Your Account Engagement business unit has a CRM connector. When a CRM connector is present, opportunities and prospect account cannot be modified by Account Engagement.

Solution: (NOT RECOMMENDED) Deleting the CRM connector allows for opportunity modification to be done through the API. However, doing so disables synchronization with your CRM. If a CRM connector is present, modifications to opportunities must be done within your CRM.

Message: Invalid HTTP request method

Problem: The endpoint does not support the HTTP method of the request.

Solution: Use the proper HTTP method for the endpoint. Reference object endpoint documentation or Version 5 Overview.

Message: Invalid prospect account id

Problem: Prospect Account ID was incorrect or doesn't exist.

Solution: Verify that the prospect account ID was typed correctly and matches the intended Prospect Account in Account Engagement.

Message: Conflicting Update

Problem: Another update is occurring at the same time.

Solution: Wait before performing this action.

Message: Too many IDs specified

Problem: There is a limit on how many IDs you can specify for this query.

Solution: Lower the number of IDs you are querying for.

Message: Email content missing required variables

Problem: The content of the email is missing required variables.

Solution: Ensure that all required variables, such as unsubscribe link, are present.

Message: Invalid email format

Problem: Doesn't have all required fields present or are not in proper format, such as from address.

Solution: Ensure all fields are present, populated, and in proper format.

Message: You have exceeded your concurrent request limit. Please wait, before trying again

Problem: Have made too many requests in this time period.

Solution: Wait a little before making more requests.

Message: You have reached or exceeded the limit of how many of this type of object you may have.

Problem: You have too many of the specified object type to create more.

Solution: Delete some of the object if you must make more.

Message: Template with this id does not exist.

Problem: The template you are trying to access does not exist.

Solution: Make sure you are using the correct template ID or create a one to use.

Message: Batch processing is limited to 50 prospects at once.

Problem: You are requesting to batch more prospects in an operation than we allow.

Solution: Ensure that your batch request has 50 or fewer prospects.

Message: Input needs to be valid JSON or XML

Problem: You've inputted invalid JSON or XML.

Solution: Ensure that your request is properly formatted.

Message: JSON has been corrupted, hash does not match

Problem: The encoded JSON has been corrupted at some point.

Solution: Ensure that you are sending the correct information.

Message: Currently there is not an Email Plug-in Campaign associated to successfully track this email. Please contact your Account Engagement administrator to ensure there is a proper campaign associated with the Account Settings in Account Engagement.

Problem: Currently there is not an Email Plug-in Campaign associated to successfully track this email.

Solution: Contact your Account Engagement administrator to ensure there is a proper campaign associated with the Account Settings in Account Engagement.

Message: The email client is not supported by the plugin API

Problem: The email client used is not supported by this API.

Solution: Use an appropriate email client.

Message: There was an error processing the request for the account variable tags

Problem: There was an error processing the request for the account variable tags.

Solution: Review the variable tags, and resubmit the request.

Message: API access was disabled

Problem: API access for your account has been disabled.

Solution: Contact customer support.

Message: Invalid prospect fid

Problem: The provided Prospect FID was invalid.

Solution: Provide a valid Prospect FID.

Message: Invalid CRM_FID

Problem: The CRM FID provided is invalid.

Solution: Provide a valid CRM FID that can be accessed by your account, or is already attached to a prospect.

Message: Invalid CRM_TYPE

Problem: The CRM type provided or used is invalid.

Solution: Specify a correct CRM type.

Message: Prospect ID and FID do not match

Problem: The provided Prospect ID and FID don’t match a single prospect.

Solution: Provide a prospect ID and FID that match a single prospect.

Message: No valid CRM connectors available

Problem: Your account doesn’t have an available CRM connector.

Solution: Add a CRM connector to your account.

An error has occurred for which no reason is provided.

Message: Unable to save the prospect

Problem: For some reason, the prospect wasn’t saved.

Solution: Resubmit the request or review the original request for errors.

Message: Invalid Template id

Problem: The template ID provided doesn’t correspond to a template.

Solution: Provide a template ID that’s valid.

Message: Your account must use version 4 of the API.

Problem: You have requested version 3 of the API, but your account must use version 4.

Solution: Make the request using /version/4 in place of /version/3.

Message: Your account is unable to use version 4 of the API.

Problem: You have requested version 4 of the API, but your account must use version 3.

Solution: Make the request using /version/3 in place of /version/4.

Message: Prospect array should be a flat array of attributes

Problem: The prospect array given wasn’t a flat array, and it should have been.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a flat array. See the Prospect Batch sections of the Prospect object documentation for examples.

Message: Prospect array must be keyed by email address

Problem: The prospect array given wasn’t keyed by email addresses, but should have been.

Solution: Resubmit the request with an array keyed by email addresses. See the Prospect Batch sections of the Prospect object documentation for examples.

Message: Prospect record could not be found

Problem: The prospect record wasn’t found with the provided information.

Solution: Resubmit the request with different parameters.

Message: The selected template is missing send options

Problem: Send options are required for the template.

Solution: Resubmit the request with send options.

Message: The provided version is not a valid number

Problem: The version number used isn’t valid.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a valid version number.

Message: Folder name is invalid

Problem: The name for the folder isn’t valid.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a valid folder name.

Message: User does not have access to this folder

Problem: The role assigned for this user doesn’t have access to this folder.

Solution: Update the users permissions and resubmit the request.

Message: The folder ID provided does not exist

Problem: No folder was found for the ID provided.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a different folder ID.

Message: Prospect not mailable

Problem: One or more of the recipient prospects can’t receive the email requested (due to opting out, being flagged as "Do Not Email", or for other reasons)

Solution: Check that the recipient list is correct, and that the prospect's email preferences are up to date.

Message: User with the provided email already exists

Problem: A user with the email provided is already in the system.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a different email address.

Message: The provided time zone is invalid

Problem: The value provided does not match a valid time zone.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a different time zone.

Message: The provided role is invalid

Problem: The value provided for role isn’t valid.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a different role.

Message: The CRM Username specified is currently applied to another user

Problem: This CRM username is already in use and cannot be used for another user.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a different CRM username to apply for the user.

Message: A CRM connector was not detected

Problem: A CRM connector was not found.

Solution: Make sure to configure a valid CRM connector and try again.

Message: The CRM Username specified was not detected

Problem: The CRM username wasn’t found.

Solution: Verify the CRM username provided is correct and try again.

Message: There is no activation hash for the specified user

Problem: The activation hash for the provided user wasn’t found.

Message: User is already active

Problem: The user is already activate.

Message: Password does not meet requirements

Problem: The submitted password doesn’t meet the password requirements.

Solution: Resubmit the request using a password that meets the requirements.

Message: This Asset cannot be deleted because it’s being used in other places.

Problem: Unable to delete an asset if it’s used in other places.

Solution: Remove all dependencies of this asset and try again.

Message: The requested record was not found.

Problem: Unable to find the requested resource.

Solution: Verify the parameters are correct and resubmit the request.

Message: Invalid Account Id

Problem: Invalid account id submitted.

Solution: Verify the account id is correct and resubmit the request.

Message: The Integration Username specified is currently applied to another Account

Problem: Unable to use the submitted username as it is already used.

Solution: Resubmit the request using a different integration username.

Message: Missing recipient to Track With Engage.

Problem: The recipient parameter is missing.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a valid recipient.

Message: Missing CRM ID or Email Address of recipient.

Problem: The request is missing required information.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a valid CRM ID or email address.

Message: Invalid CRM ID or Email Address of recipient.

Problem: The CRM ID or email address is invalid.

Solution: Resubmit the request with a valid CRM ID or email address.

Message: Number of recipients is more than threshold.

Problem: The number of recipients provided is too large.

Solution: Resubmit the request with fewer recipients.

Message: Request outdated.

Problem: The request time has expired.

Solution: Resubmit the request.

Message: There was an error deleting the micro campaign.

Problem: There was an error deleting the micro campaign.

Message: This API can only be called in a test environment.

Problem: This endpoint can only be called in a test environment.

Message: Unable to create refresh tokens for Salesforce connector

Problem: Unable to create a refresh token for the Salesforce connector for authentication.

Solution: Resubmit the request to try again. If the problem persists, contact support.

Message: Unable to verify Salesforce connector

Problem: Unable to verify the Salesforce connector.

Solution: Resubmit the request to try again. If the problem persists, contact support.

Message: Unable to sync Prospect with Salesforce

Problem: Unable to sync prospects with Salesforce.

Solution: Resubmit the request to try again. If the problem persists, contact support.

Message: Daily API rate limit met

Problem: The daily allowed API requests have been met.

Solution: Wait until the next calendar day for the daily limit to reset and try again.

Message: Unable to verify Salesforce username; User may already have a verified Salesforce username.

Problem: Unable to verify Salesforce username.

Solution: Verify if the username has already been verified in the system.

Message: Unable to set Salesforce username or id

Problem: Unable to set the Salesforce username or id.

Solution: Verify the Salesforce username or ID is correct and resubmit the request.

Message: Cannot accept both user_id and crm_owner_fid.

Problem: This request only accepts a user_id or crm_owner_fid but not both.

Solution: Resubmit the request passing only a user_id or crm_owner_fid.

Message: Invalid authentication mechanism

Problem: This authentication method has been deprecated.

Solution: Resubmit the request using a valid authentication method.

Message: Cannot create campaigns

Problem: Campaigns cannot be created for an account that has Connected Campaigns enabled.

Solution: Create a campaign in Salesforce.

Message: Cannot modify campaign name or cost

Problem: Campaign name and cost can't be modified via the API.

Solution: Remove the name and cost fields from the request.

Message: One or more of the specified fields are invalid

Problem: One or more of the fields in the CSV is not a recognized standard or custom field.

Solution: Ensure all of the column headers in the CSV match the headers in the field reference. Ensure the number of columns in the CSV matches the number of columns in the header row.

Message: Your account is locked due to too many failed login attempts. Reset your password at

Problem: Too many invalid api requests have been made.

Solution: Reset your password at

Message: Prospect is archived

Problem: The prospect is in the recycle bin and can't be read.

Solution: Undelete the prospect via the UI or choose another prospect.

Message: Up to 2 sort by options are allowed.

Problem: Too many columns were passed into the sort parameter.

Solution: Use 2 or fewer sort by columns.

Message: Up to 2 sort order options are allowed.

Problem: Too many orders were passed into the sort parameter.

Solution: Use 2 or fewer sort orders.

Message: When passing a comma-separated value, one of the two values must be id.

Problem: When sorting by multiple columns, one column must be the ID column.

Solution: Add the ID column to the request.

Message: URL is not valid. Please include a protocol (e.g., http:// or https:// )

Problem: An invalid URL was supplied in the request.

Solution: Add one of the requested protocols to the request.

Message: The supplied name contains too many characters.

Problem: The name supplied was too long.

Solution: Reduce the length of the name field.

Message: The supplied name is not valid.

Problem: The name field has an invalid character.

Solution: Remove special characters from the name field.

Message: Invalid archived parameter specified. Allowed values are true or false.

Problem: The archived parameter only accepts boolean values.

Solution: Update the request to send the proper boolean value.

Message: Invalid archived parameter specified. Allowed values are true or false.

Problem: The archived parameter only accepts boolean values.

Solution: Update the request to send the proper boolean value.

Message: Input needs to be valid JSON

Problem: The JSON that was submitted was invalid.

Solution: Submit valid JSON. A JSON linter may help ensure that the payload is valid before sending.

Message: Unsupported content-type

Problem: The 'Content-Type' header has an unsupported value for this endpoint.

Solution: Check the documentation for the specific endpoint and ensure you are sending the correct Content Type value.

Message: Request body can't be empty

Problem: The API request has no body.

Solution: Ensure that the payload of the request is being sent and is encoded as 'application/json'

Message: Missing required property in request

Problem: A required field in the request body could not be found.

Solution: Check the documentation and ensure that all required fields in the request body are specified.

Message: Invalid property in request

Problem: A field in the request body has an invalid value.

Solution: Check the documentation and ensure that the value that is being passed is supported. Several values are not supported at this time.

Message: Can't update. Import must be in "Open" state.

Problem: The import that is trying to be updated is not in the “Open” state.

Solution: This import is no longer eligible to receive updates. Create an import, or update an existing import in the “Open” state.

Message: Can't start processing. Import has no associated data.

Problem: The import that is trying to be set to “Ready” has no data associated with it.

Solution: Upload a batch of data before setting the import to “Ready”.

Message: Error processing import request. Please contact your Account Engagement support representative

Problem: The import has no background processing agent associated with it.

Solution: This import was improperly created and is unsalvageable. Create an import and upload the same batch of data to ensure processing occurs.

Message: Uploading a file was unsuccessful

Problem: The “files” element of the request body could not be found.

Solution: Ensure that the CSV being uploaded belongs to a key named “files”.

Message: The file is not in a valid CSV format

Problem: The CSV file is invalid.

Solution: Ensure that the CSV file is properly formatted. There must be 1 header row, at least 1 data row, and the number of columns in each row must match the number of columns in the header.

Message: The limit of batches per import has been reached

Problem: Too many batches have been submitted for this import

Solution: Create an import to submit this batch, or submit this batch to an import that has batch capacity.

Message: The current state of the import does not allow the operation

Problem: A batch was submitted to an import that is not “Open”

Solution: Create an import to submit this batch, or submit this batch to an import that is “Open”. Processing is not affected for the import associated with the failed request.

Message: No file was specified or uploaded

Problem: No CSV file was submitted

Solution: Submit a CSV file in the body of the request under the “files” key.

Message: Too many files were specified or uploaded

Problem: Problem: More than 1 file was submitted in a single request

Solution: Submit only 1 file per request.

Message: Daily limit of import batches has been reached

Problem: Too many batches have been submitted over a 24-hour period. The account limit has been reached.

Solution: Wait and try again later.

Message: column options is invalid

Problem: API input was incorrectly formatted.

Solution: See documentation for correct input formatting.

Message: The input is not in the required format

Problem: The request input was not specified according to the documentation.

Solution: Check the documentation for the desired endpoint and ensure the request is formatted properly.

Message: Unknown procedure name.

Problem: The provided procedure name does not exist.

Solution: Check procedure name is spelled correctly or try another procedure name.

Message: Unknown procedure argument.

Problem: An unsupported argument was included in the procedure arguments.

Solution: Check arguments are spelled correctly or remove unsupported argument.

Message: Missing required argument.

Problem: The export procedure is missing a requirement argument.

Solution: Include the required argument in your procedure definition.

Message: Invalid procedure argument.

Problem: An invalid value has been provided for a procedure argument.

Solution: Check the values provided for the procedure arguments are correct.

Message: The current state of the export does not allow the operation

Problem: The operation is not possible because of the state of the export. Possible reasons are that the export is expired or is still running.

Solution: If the export hasn’t completed, wait until the read endpoint indicates that the export is complete before retrying the operation.

Message: One or more of the specified fields are invalid

Problem: One or more of the fields included in a create or update operation aren’t valid for that operation.

Solution: Only include fields that are writable in the operation.

Message: A required header is missing

Problem: A required HTTP header is missing on the request. For example, if using Salesforce access tokens for authentication, the Pardot-Business-Unit-Id header must be included.

Solution: Include the required header.

Message: Invalid header value

Problem: The value included in an HTTP header isn’t valid. It may be formatted incorrectly.

Solution: Check documentation for the header.

Message: An internal error occurred, please try your request again

Problem: An internal error occurred.

Solution: Try the request again. The error may have been related to a temporary condition such as a request failure between internal Account Engagement or Salesforce systems.

Message: access_token is invalid, unknown, or malformed

Problem: The access token passed in the Authorization header isn’t usable to make API requests to Account Engagement.

Solution: Make sure the access token is formatted correctly and was obtained using a Connected App that includes the pardot_api OAuth scope. Make sure the user associated with the token is synced to the Account Engagement business unit. Make sure the token used is within its expiration time.

Message: Provided import origin is invalid

Problem: The import origin specified isn’t valid.

Solution: Use "ui", "api", or "all" for the import origin.

Message: Email sending is blocked for this account.

Problem: The account has email sending blocked, and an email is being sent.

Solution: Contact support.

Message: Object specified does not exist

Problem: The object ID specified in the API request doesn’t correspond to an object that exists. The object may have been deleted or the object ID passed in may never have been valid.

Solution: Pass in a valid ID for an object that is not deleted or change the request to request a deleted object (one that is in the Account Engagement recycle bin). Use the deleted=true parameter in v5.

Description: Too many subfields have been requested for one of the fields in the fields URL parameter for the API call. Account Engagement limits the number of fields that can be traversed when constructing an API response.

Message: Invalid MIME type.

Problem: The uploaded file isn’t of an allowed type.

Solution: Upload a file of an allowed type. Make sure the extension of the file is appropriate for its type.

Message: Authentication using an api_key is no longer supported. Use Salesforce OAuth access token instead. See for details.

Problem: The Account Engagement API doesn't support api_key based authentication.

Solution: Salesforce OAuth endpoints should be used to retrieve an access token. See Authentication for details

Message: Business Unit specified in Pardot-Business-Unit-Id header not found or inactive.

Problem: The Business Unit ID is invalid or the business unit isn't active. This error is also returned when you use the wrong hostname ( or

Solution: Make sure that you're using a valid Business Unit ID for an active business unit, and that your URL contains the correct hostname.

Message: An admin user for the account not found. Ensure a user with the default admin role exists.

Problem: There are no users with the default admin role.

Solution: Make sure there is at least 1 user with the default admin role in Account Engagement.

Message: File size exceeds the max post size or the body message can't be empty

Problem: The file attached is larger than 50MB or has 0 bytes.

Solution: Make sure the content of the file doesn’t exceed 50MB

Message: Action name is either missing or incorrect

Problem: The requested object doesn't support the requested record action.

Solution: Check spelling and verify that the record action is available for the requested object.

Message: Invalid action argument value

Problem: The supplied value for the argument isn’t of the required data type.

Solution: Make sure that the arguments are of the required data type according to the documentation. Strings must be enclosed by double quotes (").

Message: Missing required action argument

Problem: One or more of the required arguments are missing.

Solution: Make sure that you provide all of the required arguments for the requested record action.

Message: Unknown action argument

Problem: The supplied arguments to the record action are misspelled or invalid.

Solution: Make sure that the arguments are spelled correctly and that they correspond to the arguments supported by the record action, according to the documentation.

Message: Too many fields have filters: The max number of 3 distinct fields with filters was exceeded for this query.

Problem: Too many fields in the request have filters. You can add filters to up to 3 fields.

Solution: Decrease the number of fields with filters in the request.

Message: Page token has expired.

Problem: The page token is expired. Tokens are valid for 4 hours.

Solution: Make sure you aren't using a page token that was issued more than 4 hours ago.

Message: Page token is invalid.

Problem: The token is null or invalid.

Solution: Make sure the page token sent corresponds to the one provided by the last call's response.

Message: API request timed out.

Problem: The request timed out.

Solution: Retry the query with smaller limits, offsets, or filter ranges.

Message: Feature state is invalid: Connected Campaigns is not enabled for this account.

Problem: Connected Campaigns isn’t enabled for the Account Engagement business unit.

Solution: Enable Connected Campaigns.

Message: Destination folder is full.

Problem: The target folder for the object is full, and the object can't be created.

Solution: Choose a different folder, or remove assets from the target folder.

Message: Visitor is invalid.

Problem: The visitor is invalid because is_identified is false or null on the visitor record, or ipAddress is null on the visitor record.

Solution: Check the visitor ID or fix the is_identified or ipAddress fields on the visitor record.

Message: The sender address uses a domain that doesn’t exist or isn’t verified in your business unit. To send this email, add and verify the sending domain.

Problem: The email address of the sender uses a domain that needs to be set up and/or verified in your business unit.

Solution: Add and verify the relevant email sending domain(s) in your business unit. See ( for details.

Message: We couldn’t send your email. Review your email and try again.

Problem: There was a temporary connection issue.

Solution: Try again later.

Message: We couldn’t send your email. Review your email and try again later. Issues with the recipient’s email address or service provider can prevent delivery.

Problem: Your email likely has a delivery or content issue. For example, you forgot to add a sender address, the recipient’s address is invalid, or required text is missing.

Solution: Review the sender address, recipient address, and required text. Fix any issues and try again.

Problem: An error occurred when processing the parameter designated in the param attribute of the <err> node. Several <err> nodes may be contained within the <rsp> node if multiple errors occurred.

Solution: The msg attribute of each <err> node should contain advice as to how to remedy the error.