Lifecycle Stage Object

Lifecycle stages define the steps on a sales journey. In Account Engagement, we define the following lifecycle stages:

  • Visitor
  • Prospect
  • Marketing qualified lead (MQL)
  • Sales qualified lead (SQL)
  • Won opportunity Use lifecycle stage resources to learn about a prospect's current lifecycle stage, including the stage name and position. For information about how a prospect is moving through their lifecycle journey, see Lifecycle History Resources. Learn more about prospect lifecycles in Salesforce Help.

Include the authentication header with every request. For information on how to authenticate, see Authentication.

Resource NameOperationDescription
Lifecycle Stage QueryGETRequest information for the lifecycle stage records that matches the specified criteria.

Request information for the lifecycle stage records that match the specified criteria. You can specify the lifecycle stage records and fields to request. A maximum of 200 records are returned. To return all lifecycle stage records, specify the output as mobile.

Use these parameters to specify the lifecycle stage records to return. Parameters can be used in any combination and in any order unless otherwise specified.


ParameterTypePossible ValuesDescription
id_greater_thanintegerAny positive integerRequest lifecycle stage records that have an ID greater than the specified number.
id_less_thanintegerAny positive integerRequest lifecycle stage records that have an ID less than the specified number.

Use these parameters to specify the lifecycle stage fields to return, and how the lifecycle stage records are sorted.

ParameterTypePossible ValuesDescription
limitintegerAny integer from 1 through 200.The number of lifecycle stage records to return. Default value is 200.
offsetintegerAny positive integerThe number of lifecycle stage records to omit from the response (the number to "skip over"). Example: Retrieve a list of lifecycle stage records, omitting the 50 most recently updated records. Sort the query by the position field and use offset=50: /api/lifecycleStage/version/4/do/query?sort_by=position&offset=50
sort_bystringposition, idThe field by which the results are sorted. See Sort Order.
sort_orderstringascending, descendingThe sort order. The default value depends on which sort_by parameter you specify. See Sort Order.

Use sort_by to specify which field Account Engagement uses to sort the results. Different fields have different default sort orders.

ValueDefault Sort OrderDescription
positiondescendingSort the results by the lifecycle stage records' position.
idascendingSort the results by the lifecycle stage records' id fields.
<result>Parent tag. Contains information about the lifecycle stage records that match the parameters specified in your query.
<total_results>Contains the number of lifecycle stage records selected by the query. Note: The query request returns a maximum of 200 forms. If your query matches more than 200 lifecycle stage records, you can make several requests to retrieve all matching records.
<lifecycleStage>The information about a single lifecycle stage. See Lifecycle Stage in Object Field References for a complete description of fields.