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Custom Events

The Salesforce Interactions SDK and the Personalization module feature several built-in CustomEvents that you can use to bind listeners specific to the Web SDK. You can find the data passed by these CustomEvents in the detail property of the event object passed to a listener's callback function.

The Salesforce Interactions SDK and Personalization module provide the following built-in custom CustomEvents in each of the namespaces.

The following code sample depicts how you can use an mcis:onStatSend or evergage:onStatSend CustomEvent to dispatch a CustomEvent whenever a campaign stat is logged and sent via Evergage.sendStat.

The mcis:onEventResponse or evergage:onEventResponse CustomEvent is dispatched whenever an Event API request returns a response. This CustomEvent contains the actionEvent payload sent to the Event API and any returned campaign data, such as the names and IDs of campaigns and experiences.

The OnEventResponse CustomEvent contains the following detail.

The ActionEventResponse object has the following structure.

The ActionEvent object has the following structure.

The mcis:onBeforeEventSend or evergage:onEventSend CustomEvent is dispatched before an event is sent to Personalization. This CustomEvent has the following structure and contains the actionEvent payload to be processed in the event pipeline. Both CustomEvents can be canceled to prevent the event from being sent to Personalization.

The ActionEvent object has the following structure.

The following code example depicts canceling the OnEventSend CustomEvent to prevent the event from being sent to Personalization.

The interactions:onException or evergage:onException CustomEvent is dispatched when an operation fails and contains information about the error and its context. You can use the OnException CustomEvent for debugging and logging runtime errors.

The OnException CustomEvent contains the following detail.

The Error object has the following structure.

The mcis:onInit or evergage:onInit CustomEvent is dispatched when the Personalization module of the Salesforce Interactions SDK is initialized. You can use the OnInit CustomEvent for debugging single-page applications (SPA) where the beacon and the sitemap usually have to reinitialize without a page load event.

The OnInit CustomEvent contains the following detail.

The BeaconConfig object contains internal configuration in order for the Web SDK to run properly. Do not reference these fields as they are subject to change.

The interactions:onShutDown or evergage:onShutDown CustomEvent is dispatched whenever the Salesforce Interactions Web SDK is shut down and contains the shutdown message with the following detail.

The interactions:onInitSitemap or evergage:onInitSitemap CustomEvent is dispatched whenever a sitemap is initialized via the SalesforceInteractions.initSitemap or Evergage.initSitemap function and contains the following detail.

The SiteMapConfig object has the following structure.

The interactions:onPageMatchStatusUpdated or evergage:onPageMatchStatusUpdated CustomEvent is dispatched whenever the match status of a sitemap's page type is updated. The matchStatus array accumulates every time an OnPageMatchStatusUpdated CustomEvent is dispatched, in the order the match statuses are updated. If the status is running, the PageMatchStatus includes the start time. Conversely, if the status is selected, rejected, or matched, the PageMatchStatus includes the end time. The selected page type is the first page type to be matched. The sitemap does not evaluate other matched page types.

The OnPageMatchStatusUpdated CustomEvent contains the following detail.

The PageMatchStatus object has the following structure.

The mcis:onStatSend or evergage:onStatSend CustomEvent is dispatched when a stat is tracked and can be used to send Personalization campaign stats to third-party tracking tools, such as Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics.

The OnStatSend CustomEvent is dispatched with or without the Campaign Stats Gear. For more information on sending campaign stats with or without the Campaign Stats Gear, refer to the Campaign Stats Tracking documentation.

The OnStatSend CustomEvent contains the following detail.

The CampaignStat object has the following structure.

The CampaignResponse object has the following structure.

When enabled, the Handlebars Gear dispatches the mcis:onTemplateDisplayEnd or evergage:onTemplateDisplayEnd CustomEvent on rendering templates. The Campaign Stats Gear listens for this CustomEvent to track campaign stats. Server-side campaigns require the OnTemplateDisplayEnd CustomEvent to be manually dispatched. For instructions on how to dispatch an OnTemplateDisplayEnd CustomEvent manually without the Handlebars Gear, refer to the Web Campaign Stats documentation.

The OnTemplateDisplayEnd CustomEvent contains the following detail.

The interactions:onConsentRevoke or evergage:onConsentRevoke CustomEvent is dispatched when a Consents status is changed from Opt In to Opt Out. This CustomEvent contains information about the Consent that was revoked with the following detail.

The Consent object included in the OnConsentRevoke CustomEvent detail is the consent that was updated and has the following structure.

The following CustomEvents are only dispatched on the SalesforceInteractions namespace.

The interactions:onBeforeEventSend CustomEvent is dispatched by the Salesforce Interactions Web SDK before an event is sent to any modules. This CustomEvent contains the event from the Salesforce Interactions Web SDK and the following detail.

The ActionEvent<Interaction> object has the following structure.

The interactions:onSetAnonymousId CustomEvent is dispatched when an anonymousId is set and contains the following detail.

The interactions:onResetAnonymousId CustomEvent is dispatched when the anonymousId is reset through a call to SalesforceInteractions.resetAnonymousId.

The interactions:onClearCookie CustomEvent is not dispatched by the Salesforce Interactions Web SDK but can be manually dispatched to clear any cookies set by the Web SDK. This CustomEvent can be used to instruct the Salesforce Interactions Web SDK to remove any cookies it has set. The interactions:onClearCookie CustomEvent optionally allows for the following detail where domain is the cookieDomain used for setting cookies in the Web SDK.

The following code sample depicts dispatching this CustomEvent with a specified domain.