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Item Actions

The itemAction property of the Salesforce Interactions SDK is used to identify actions users take on catalog items such as "Purchase" or "AddToCart".

Item actions are a separate event property from regular actions (action). Item actions contain reserved action names used by Marketing Cloud Personalization to determine how to handle event data. Personalization automatically inserts the appropriate itemAction value when sending events containing catalog data originating from matching a pageType mapped in the Sitemap code. Therefore, avoid manually mapping the itemAction property in your global or pageType configurations, except in the following scenarios.

When mapping pages with cart or order, you must specify itemAction in your pageType configuration. Typically the cart object is mapped only on the cart page itself with the itemAction value of "View Cart" (Evergage.ItemAction.ViewCart). Similarly, order is only mapped on the order confirmation page with the itemAction value of "Purchase" (Evergage.ItemAction.Purchase). If no lineItem is provided with the Purchase ItemAction, the SDK defaults to using the current state of the cart as line items.

The Item Actions documented in this article are available exclusively in the Evergage namespace. In the SalesforceInteractions namespace, Interactions replace Item Actions. For more information, refer to the Interaction Definitions documentation.

The action property is also used to track user interactions but isn’t specific to actions carried out on catalog items. The purpose of action is to provide a high-level overview of user behavior and to help identify trends or patterns in how users interact with a website or application. For example, you can use actions to track when a user views the home page or clicks a call to action.

You can also use actions for the following purposes:

  • Segmentation: You can use actions as criteria to create user or audience segments. You can then target these segments to deliver personalized experiences, offers, or content based on their actions.
  • Campaigns: By using actions for campaign targeting, you can qualify users who have either performed or not performed a specific set of actions.
  • Actions Report: The Actions Report provides insights into user actions and user behavior over time within a given dataset, allowing marketers to identify key activities that are valuable for campaign targeting.
  • Funnels: You can also use actions to track user progression through funnels. By mapping actions to each funnel step, you can track and analyze user behavior and identify steps where users drop off or encounter obstacles. Such insight can help optimize user journeys and improve conversion rates.

When using actions, it’s important to keep the following in mind:

  • Only track actions if they're necessary for personalization and targeting. Think about the personalization use cases you wish to execute and only map the actions required for those specific use cases.
  • Map no more than a few thousand unique actions per dataset. Mapping any more leads to challenges when using the Personalization UI, including difficulties in selecting actions from dropdown menus and slower report generation.
  • Ensure action names have values you can reuse across users and sessions.
  • When defining action names, avoid dynamically populating them to prevent inflating names with unexpected prefixes and suffixes.
  • If you dynamically populate action names, ensure they stay consistent across sessions for any user.
  • Refrain from automatically sending all events from other site analytics tools to Personalization, as it can result in a higher volume of events than necessary for personalization.
  • Incorporating dynamic user information in action names can cause issues and must be avoided whenever possible.

The item action property value must be manually set only when sending events to the Personalization platform using the Event API. Only the reserved item action values within Evergage.ItemAction can be used. Within the context of the Sitemap, the Event API is used to send an event independently of the page matching event using Evergage.sendEvent().

An example of an event sent using the API within the Sitemap can be found in our Example ecommerce Sitemap within the "product_detail" pageType configuration. The following code sample includes the relevant code block. In this example, a listener has been mapped containing an AddToCart event that fires when the user clicks the DOM element referenced by the provided selector, ".add-to-cart".

The possible values for item action are all contained within the Evergage.ItemAction object. Be sure to reference all values assigned to the itemAction property from the Evergage.ItemAction object in the same way as the AddToCart event detailed in the previous section.

  • Quick View Item - Similar to View Item but stops the timer for the "background" item and starts a timer for the "foreground" item.
  • Stop Quick View Item - Stops the timer initiated by the "Quick View Item" item action for the "foreground" item and restarts the timer for the "background" item.

You can use the Quick View Item and Stop Quick View Item item actions to accurately track view time in cases where a user "views" an item while already viewing a different item. An ecommerce category page that allows users to view individual products in a window can take advantage of these item actions. In the following example, the "background" item is the category and the "foreground" item is the product. A new page load stops both timers.

While other Item Actions are present in the Evergage.ItemAction object, only the Item Actions documented here are currently supported. Unless otherwise indicated, the following definitions apply to both the page config and Event API.

Many item actions mentioned in the following definitions rely on events that contain line items. To learn more about the structure of the lineItem object, see the LineItem documentation.

When using this specific action, only one item is updated at a time. A single AddToCart event doesn’t accept an array of items. If you want to add multiple items to the cart, the items must be sent in multiple events.

A viewCart event fully updates the items that a user has in their cart. For example, sending a viewCart event via the Event API overwrites any items currently saved in the user's cart.

Sitemap PageType Definition

Event API

Sitemap PageType Definition

Event API

When using this specific action, only one item is updated at a time. A single UpdateLineItem event doesn’t accept an array of items. If you want to update multiple cart items, you must send in multiple events.

The RemoveFromCart item action only removes one line item from the cart at a time. A single RemoveFromCart event doesn't accept an array of line items. To remove multiple cart items, you must send in multiple events.

The following example depicts how you can use the RemoveFromCart item action to remove a line item from a shopping cart.