Interface Campaign

A custom "Data" campaign to be handled by the app, served in response to Marketing Cloud Personalization actions generated by the user interacting with the app.

A campaign is delivered to a CampaignHandler registered for a unique user-defined target in the scope of a Context (typically an Activity).

For additional information, see Mobile Data Campaigns. For lifecycle details, see Context.setCampaignHandler(, java.lang.String).

MethodsDescriptionModifier and Type
equals(java.lang.Object)Indicates whether this campaign is equivalent to another campaign.boolean
getCampaignId()The identifier for this
getCampaignName()The name of this campaign, as set in the Personalization
getData()This campaign's dynamic/static JSON payload, as designed in the Personalization
getExperienceId()The identifier of the experience in this
getExperienceName()The name of the experience in this campaign, as set in the Personalization
getMessageId()The identifier of the message in this
getPromotedItemKeys()Array of related promoted items, if any, in minimal JSON
getTarget()An app-defined string that uniquely identifies what the payload data represents and its
hashCode()Returns a hash code value for the campaign based off of the campaign target, control group, and the ids and names of the campaign, experience, and message, but not message
isControlGroup()If this campaign is for a user in the control group.boolean

A user-defined string that uniquely identifies what the payload data represents and its purpose. For example, "Featured Product", "Recommended Products", "Info Banner", etc.

The target is specified in the Personalization UI when designing the campaign, and in Context.setCampaignHandler(, java.lang.String) when the app defines a CampaignHandler.

To maximize flexibility, all campaigns designed for the same target should share a compatible data structure, in order to be consumable by any CampaignHandler registered by the app for that specific target.

See Also

The identifier for this campaign.

The name of this campaign, as set in the Personalization UI.

The identifier of the experience in this campaign.

The name of the experience in this campaign, as set in the Personalization UI.

The identifier of the message in this campaign.

Array of related promoted items, if any, in minimal JSON form. Automatically used in stat tracking.

This campaign's dynamic/static JSON payload, as designed in the Personalization UI. The structure should be designed for the user-defined target, in order to be consumable by any CampaignHandler registered for that target.

See Also

If this campaign is for a user in the control group. If false, this campaign should be handled normally. When applicable, show the campaign to the user and track the impression.

If true, this campaign should not take effect. Do not show to the user, but do still track impressions IF the campaign would have been shown.

To ensure accurate statistics, make sure to execute all the logic that could affect whether the campaign should be shown to the user, regardless of this property. If all those checks pass and isControlGroup == false, show the campaign to the user. Finally, call Context.trackImpression( to notify Personalization that the user saw the campaign (isControlGroup == false) or would have seen it (isControlGroup == true).

Indicates whether this campaign is equivalent to another campaign. Typically used in CampaignHandler to avoid re-processing a campaign that's equivalent to one already visible/active.

The equals method checks for equivalence in the source JSON returned by the server. Campaigns are not equal if there are differences in message content.


equals in class java.lang.Object

Returns a hash code value for the campaign based off of the campaign target, control group, and the ids and names of the campaign, experience, and message, but not message content.

Campaigns with different message content (due to campaign edits or dynamic message content) currently return the same hashcode. Use equals(java.lang.Object) to determine full equivalence or not.


hashCode in class java.lang.Object