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EVGBlog Class Reference

Inherits fromDeclared in
EVGCategorizedItem : EVGItem : NSObjectEVGItems.h

A blog is content that is typically presented as reverse chronologically sorted on a single topic.

Date and time when this article was last modified.

See Also

Subtitle for this article.

Creates an EVGBlog with the required ID only.


evgIdSee [EVGItem evgId]. This is the only required field.

Return Value

A blog which can be further modified.

Creates an EVGBlog with the required id and most common optionals.


evgIdSee [EVGItem evgId]. This is the only required field.
nameSee [EVGItem name]
subTitleSee subTitle
urlSee [EVGItem url]
evgDescriptionSee [EVGItem evgDescription]

Return Value

A blog which can be further modified.

Creates an EVGBlog from the provided JSON.


jsonA blog in JSON form

Return Value

A blog which can be further modified, or nil if JSON is invalid