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Import and Display CMS Content in Marketing Cloud

In Marketing Cloud, Content Builder can use CMS content for CloudPages and other types of messaging. To import CMS content for use in Marketing Cloud, use public channels or develop a connected app that retrieves the content from CMS and copies it to Marketing Cloud. Alternatively, you can use the CMS Sync AppExchange package to take content directly from Salesforce CMS and put it into your email.

A connected app is a framework that enables an external application to integrate with Salesforce using APIs and standard protocols. If you don’t want to use a connected app, use public channels or you can use CMS Sync from AppExchange.

Before you configure Marketing Cloud for access to CMS, complete steps 1 and 2 in Display CMS Content in Other Systems.

In your connected app, use OAuth credentials to authenticate with CMS.

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Apps, and select App Manager.
  2. Click New Connected App and enter the details for your app.
  3. Enable OAuth for the connected app, and enter a callback URL. CMS directs the connected app to that address after authentication completes, so this URL must have corresponding code in your app.
  4. Click Save and then click Continue. In the API section, copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret because you need them in your app code.

In Marketing Cloud, Content Builder assets are organized by folder.

  1. Create a Content Builder folder for the CMS content.

    To improve organization, create subfolders for each type of shared CMS content.

  2. To get the ID for the new CMS content folder, select its parent folder and enable Show Folders. Click the gear icon and select the ID column. The connected app uses this ID to store the files in the correct location, so save it for later use.

Marketing Cloud packages use an API integration component to allow a package access to the API. Create a package and generate the API credentials.

  1. From Marketing Cloud Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Apps, select Installed Packages, and add a package.
  2. Add an API integration component to the package.
  3. Save the Client ID, Client secret, Salesforce Marketing Cloud Authentication URL, and Salesforce Marketing Cloud REST URL for use in the connected app.

Now that CMS and Marketing Cloud are configured for access, develop the connected app. Use these guides to develop code that authenticates with CMS and retrieves CMS content.

After your connected app retrieves content from CMS, you develop the code that imports your content to Marketing Cloud.

  1. Authenticate with Marketing Cloud in Marketing Cloud Package Development.
  2. Add Text CMS Content to Marketing Cloud.
  3. Add Image CMS Content to Marketing Cloud.

After the content is moved to Marketing Cloud you can use it in Content Builder. In Content Builder, select Content, and then select the destination folder that you created in Step 2.