Differences Between Developing Apps on Data Cloud and the Salesforce Platform
Check out the tools and APIs that are available for custom app development in Data Cloud, and compare them to those available in the Salesforce Platform.
Task | Data Cloud | Salesforce Platform |
Customer developers: Migrate metadata from one org to another | Use one of these features or APIs.
| Use one of these features or APIs.
Salesforce partners: Distribute apps to customers |
Environments for custom app development and testing | Sandbox org with Data Cloud (beta). Altenatively, customer developers use a second org for development and testing. Salesforce partners use a Partner Business org. | Sandbox org for customer developers. Scratch orgs or sandboxes for Salesforce partners. |
Managed Package Generation | First-generation and second-generation managed packages with data kits. | First-generation managed packages and second-generation managed packages. |
API Authentication | When using Data Cloud API, requests are authorized via OAuth with a Salesforce access token, which is exchanged for a Data Cloud access token. The requests reach the Data Cloud tenant-specific endpoint. When using Connect API, the same OAuth authorization path as the Salesforce Platform APIs is used. | When using Salesforce Platform APIs, requests are authorized for the org’s MyDomain endpoint via a Salesforce access token. |
SOQL Queries | To query records in Data Cloud, you can use a subset of SOQL. For more information about what’s supported and the limitations, see Data Cloud Query Profile Parameters in the REST API Developer Guide. | To query records in Salesforce, you can use SOQL. For more information, see SOQL and SOSL Reference. |
See Also