Mutations Schema (Beta)

API v59.0 and later

The Mutation operation type has a uiapi field with a boolean argument allOrNone that has a default value of true. When true, all operations are rolled back and not executed if one or more operations fail.

Use mutations to create, update, or delete records. Under the UIAPIMutations type, each Salesforce object corresponds to a RecordCreate, RecordEdit, and RecordDelete field that accepts a response payload you define. Only objects supported by UI API are available for mutations.

Access to supported objects and fields on those objects is controlled by the context user's object-level and field-level permissions. That is, an object is accessible if the user has the right permissions, and the object is either on the supported object list or is a custom object.

To view the GraphQL API schema via introspection, use the Altair GraphQL Client.

The UIAPIMutations type has three fields-RecordCreate, RecordDelete, and RecordUpdate-for each object type accessible to the user. Account is shown as an example.

The UIAPIMutations type contains fields for creating, deleting, and updating records.

The RecordCreate field accepts the RecordCreateInput object type as an argument with a RecordCreateRepresentation type. AccountCreateInput is shown as an example.

The RecordCreateRepresentation type represents the record data provided as input for record creation mutation. AccountCreateRepresentation type is shown as an example.

The input type for RecordCreate contains fields that are createable. Required fields must be non-null. If you don't include the OwnerId field, it's set to the context user.

The Id field isn't included in the RecordCreateRepresentation type.

The RecordCreatePayload type returns the result of record creation. It returns a Record object with its corresponding fields. AccountCreatePayload is shown as an example.

The Record object maps to a Salesforce object and its fields, including fields with parent and children relationships. The response payload also contains the Id of the new record if it's successful.

The RecordDelete field accepts the RecordDeleteInput object type as an argument. AccountDeleteInput is shown as an example.

The RecordDeletePayload type returns the Id field of the deleted record. AccountDeletePayload is shown as an example.

The RecordUpdate field accepts the RecordUpdateInput object type as an argument with a RecordUpdateRepresentation type. AccountUpdateInput is shown as an example.

The RecordUpdateRepresentation type represents the record data provided as input for record creation mutation. AccountUpdateRepresentation type is shown as an example.

The input type for RecordUpdate contains fields that are updateable. It includes a non-null Id field for specifying which record should be updated.

The Id field isn't included in the RecordUpdateRepresentation type.

The RecordUpdatePayload type defines the result of record update. AccountUpdatePayload is shown as an example.

The success field returns true or false to denote if the update is successful.