
Updates the schedule for a CRM Analytics data prep recipe, data sync, or dataflow.

updateSchedule uses this CRM Analytics API resource.

  • assetId— (Required) The ID of the dataflow, recipe, or data sync.
  • schedule— (Required) The schedule to create or update for the dataflow, recipe, or data sync. Use a Schedule Input. Schedules are hourly, daily, weekly, monthly (relative), monthly (specific), and event based.
  • A Promise object that resolves with the Schedule response.

There are several ways to use updateSchedule. For example, you can display a list of recipes or dataflows and allow the user to update the scheduled run time.

This example adds a schedule button to a page with recipes. Setting the schedule for a recipe displays a toast message using the lightning/platformShowToastEvent module. Note that you should include a UI to enable a user to pick the schedule type and attributes. This example assumes an hourly schedule.

This button calls the updateSchedule() method.