Determine if LWS is Enabled

When your user account is enabled for debug mode, you can easily see if LWS is enabled.

In Chrome DevTools, look in the Sources panel’s Page tab and find the LWC component JavaScript files in the folder your-org-domain/lightning/modules/c or your specific namespace if not using the c namespace. For Aura components, look in the folder your-org-domain/lightning/components/c or your specific namespace if not using the c namespace.

Search for the string "LWS Version" in the JavaScript files of the components.

JavaScript file with LWS Version string highlighted

If LWS is disabled, the LWS version string won't be found in the components' JavaScript files.

Although a search can detect the string in aura_proddebug.js, the string's presence in this file doesn't indicate that LWS is enabled in the org.