Hybrid Apps Quick Start

Hybrid apps give you the ease of JavaScript and HTML5 development while leveraging Salesforce Mobile SDK

In 2020, the App Store has removed UIWebView architecture from all app submissions in favor of WKWebView. As a result, Mobile SDK hybrid apps for iOS can run only on Mobile SDK 8.1 or later. See Removing UIWebView from iOS Hybrid Apps.

If you’re comfortable with the concept of hybrid app development, use the following steps to get going quickly.

  1. To develop Android hybrid apps for Mobile SDK 11.1, you need:

    • Cordova 12.0.1.
    • Cordova CLI 12.0.0 or later.
    • Java JDK 17 or later—www.oracle.com/downloads.
    • Latest version of Android Studio —developer.android.com/sdk.
    • Android SDK, including all APIs in the following range:
      • Minimum API: Android Oreo (API 26)
      • Target API: Android 14 (API 34)
    • Android SDK Tools
    • Android Virtual Device (AVD)
  2. To develop iOS hybrid apps for Mobile SDK 11.1, you need:

    • Cordova 7.0.1.
    • Cordova CLI 12.0.0 or later.
    • Xcode version: 14 or later. (We recommend the latest version.)
    • iOS SDK:
      • Deployment target: iOS 15
      • Base SDK: iOS 16
    • CocoaPods (any version from 1.8 to no declared maximum—see cocoapods.org).
  3. Install Mobile SDK.

  4. If you don’t already have a connected app, see Creating a Connected App. For OAuth scopes, select api, web, and refresh_token.

    When specifying the Callback URL, there’s no need to use a real address. Use any value that looks like a URL, such as myapp:///mobilesdk/oauth/done.

  5. Create a hybrid app.

  6. Run your new app.