Salesforce Code Analyzer v4

Here's what's new in Salesforce Code Analyzer. For a detailed list of new and changed features made in recent updates, see the Release Notes.

Curious about Salesforce Code Analyzer v5 (Beta)? Check out the beta documentation.

Salesforce Graph Engine is a new Code Analyzer engine. Graph Engine performs more complex checks than an average static-analysis tool because it uses data-flow analysis (dfa). Preview its features using the scanner run dfa command.

We upgraded major versions of the ESLint engines.

  • eslint from major version 6 to major version 8
  • typescript-eslint plug-in from major version 2 to major version 5
  • eslint-lwc plug-in from major version 0 to major version 1

RetireJS is a default engine along with PMD, ESLint, and ESLint-Typescript. To provide more information about RetireJS violations, we enhanced the scanner run command with a new --verbose-violations flag.

We replaced the -v/--violations-cause-error flag on scanner run with the -s/--severity-threshold flag.