Release Notes

Here are the new and changed features in recent updates of Code Analyzer v3.x, Code Analyzer v4.x, and Code Analyzer (beta) Visual Studio (VS) Code extension.

We publish new Code Analyzer releases at the end of each month.

  • To display the version of the Code Analyzer CLI plugin installed on your computer, run sf plugins. The Code Analyzer plugin is called @salesforce/sfdx-scanner.
  • To update the Code Analyzer plugin to the latest generally available version, run sf plugins install @salesforce/sfdx-scanner.
  • IMPORTANT: This is the last release for v3. From now on, use v4, which is generally available as of June 2024. Starting in July 2024, we'll no longer publish release notes for v3.

    • To upgrade to the latest release of v4, run this command, which now installs v4 rather than v3.

    • We don't recommend it, but if you must go back to v3, run this command.

  • NEW: We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.

We’re happy to announce that Code Analyzer v4 is now generally available! It includes significant upgrades to all of our engines, such as PMD v7, ESlint v7 and RetireJS v4. These changes make it much easier for you to scan Apex and LWC code that contain the very latest features.

If you haven’t already, we strongly recommend that you upgrade to Code Analyzer v4. It's easy; simply run this command, which now installs v4 by default:

We're working on many more exciting updates this year, so stay tuned! Check out our publicly available roadmap here.

If you just started using v4, note these breaking changes:

  • Code Analyzer v4 requires version 11 or later of the Java Platform, Standard Edition Java Development Kit (JDK).
  • If you're using custom PMD rules, you might need to migrate your rules to work with PMD 7. See Migration Guide for PMD 7 for more information.

Check out the release notes for the previous v4 beta versions:

  • NEW: We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW: We upgraded the PMD engine to version 7.2. See our PMD documentation.

This feature is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

  • NEW: Remove diagnostics from selected files, or all files in a folder, with two new SFDX: Remove Code Analyzer diagnostics from ... commands.
  • NEW: In addition to suppressing PMD violations in a single line of code, you can now use a Quick Fix option to suppress violations in the entire class.
  • NEW: When you use the Quick Fix option to suppress the PMD violation on a line of code, Code Analyzer now removes that violation. Previously you had to rescan the file for the violation to disappear. When you suppress violation at the class level, Code Analyzer removes the violations for the whole file.
  • NEW: We added three new settings:
    • Code Analyzer > Normalize Severity: Enabled : Output normalized severity (high, moderate, low) and engine-specific severity across all engines.
    • Code Analyzer > Rules: Category : The categories of rules to run.
    • Code Analyzer > Scanner: Engines : The engines to run.
  • CHANGE: To be consistent with other Salesforce VS Code commands, Code Analyzer commands in the Command Palette now start with SFDX:.
  • IMPORTANT: Next month's June release (3.26.0) is the last one we'll publish for v3.x.
  • NEW: We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.

This feature is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

  • NEW: We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW: We upgraded the PMD engine to version 7.1. See our PMD documentation.

This feature is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

  • NEW: Cancel a running Salesforce Graph Engine analysis without having to wait for the analysis to complete. If you started the analysis by right-clicking an Apex method and selecting SF: Scan selected method with Graph Engine path-based analysis, the status bar shows the message Running Graph Engine analysis. Click the message, and a notification with a Cancel button pops up.

    VS Code notification for graph engine analysis showing the cancel button.

  • NEW: We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.

This feature is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

  • NEW: We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • CHANGE: We made improvements to Graph Engine’s memory usage, dramatically reducing the likelihood of encountering LimitReached errors and OutOfMemory errors.

This feature is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

  • We aren’t releasing a new version of the VS Code Extension this month.
  • NEW: We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW: In order to support scans of Apex code that uses API version 60 or later, we launched Code Analyzer version 4.x (beta). Specifically, version 4.x (beta) includes PMD 7.x and an upgraded Salesforce Graph Engine so it works with your latest Apex code. You can continue using Code Analyzer version 3.x for a few more months until version 3.x is deprecated. To use the most up-to-date Code Analyzer features, upgrade to v4.x (beta) by running sf plugins install @salesforce/sfdx-scanner@latest-beta.

This feature is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

  • NEW: We updated the Typescript-ESLint engine from version 5.x to version 7.x. See our ESLint documentation.
  • NEW: We updated the RetireJS engine from version 3.x to version 4.x. See our RetireJS documentation.
  • NEW: We upgraded PMD to version 7.x. See our PMD documentation.
  • NEW: When running Code Analyzer version 4.x, Java 11 or later is required.
  • NEW: We updated Salesforce Graph Engine’s Apex Jorje library to support Apex version 60.0.

This feature is a Beta Service. Customer may opt to try such Beta Service in its sole discretion. Any use of the Beta Service is subject to the applicable Beta Services Terms provided at Agreements and Terms.

  • NEW: To automatically scan your code when saving or opening a file in VS Code, we added two new config flags: analyzeOnOpen and analyzeOnSave.. Both flags are hidden by default. See our Salesforce Code Analyzer VS Code Extension documentation.

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We added a new —-preview-pmd7 flag to the scanner run, scanner rule list, scanner rule describe commands. The current standard Code Analyzer default is PMD 6.55.0. Use the —-preview-pmd7 flag to bypass the default and scan your code with PMD 7.0.0-rc4 and its CPD version. For more info, read the PMD 7.0.0-rc4 and its CPD documentation.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): To encourage users on Java v8 to upgrade to v11 or later, we added a warning message. In a future release, support for Java v8 will be removed entirely.

Closed Issues

  • [BUG] can not install the sfdx scanner #1377
  • [BUG] Error shown when class is defined in multiple files - using submodules in git repo #1334
  • [BUG] ERROR: Salesforce Graph Engine encountered an error and couldn't complete analysis: Graph engine encountered compilation errors. #1194
  • [BUG] DFA - FLS/OLS checks violations reported when querying against relationship name #1027
  • [BUG] LimitReached / InternalExecutionError #1367
  • [BUG] Cannot Install Scanner Plugin #1310
  • [BUG] Invoking sf scanner rule list without filter criteria doesn't return all rules #1371
  • [BUG] #1370
  • [BUG] LimitReached / InternalExecutionError when have @AuraEnabled on an Apex Method #1356
  • [BUG] Regarding the usage of sf cli with the scanner commands #1248
  • Graph Engine - InternalExecutionError #1201
  • [BUG] Scanner commands are unusable depending on plugin installation order. #1153
  • [BUG] 0 violations across 0 files #1363
  • Support for pmd v7.0.0.0 rule engine #1145
  • Update PMD rules to leverage native Security features (e.g. USER MODE) #1026

Merged Pull Requests

  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-15214308@: Updating package version for 3.22.0 release. #1390
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14645433@: Increased enforced code coverage lower bound. #1382
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14645433@: Fixed some broken tests. #1381
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer):@W-15142453@: Update help text to match latest command reference changes #1374
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14645433@: Refactored some more tests #1373
  • CHANGE(CodeAnalyzer): @W-15103413@: Publish npm-shrinkwrap.json #1369
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14645433@: Refactored tests to lower runtime and restore coverage #1368
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14901310@: Restored error-always event. #1365
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14945179@: Deprecation message for Java v8. #1364
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-15059732@: scanner rule describe now includes runWith column. #1362
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14980315@: Add a new --preview-pmd7 flag to allow PMD 7.0.0-rc4 to be used #1359
  • CHANGE(CodeAnalyzer): @W-15041815@: Force the global --json flag to show up in our help text #1358
  • CHANGE(CodeAnalyzer): @W-14989109@: Restore local plugin link-ability by fixing a few imports #1351

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): To accelerate your continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) development, use our run-code-analyzer GitHub Action in your pipeline. For more info, read our Accelerate Your CI/CD Integration documentation and access run-code-analyzer directly from the GitHub Actions Marketplace. If you’re using DevOps Center, use our GitHub Action to run Salesforce Code Analyzer as you promote changes.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer and GraphEngine): We made some updates to two sf scanner run and scanner run dfa flags:
    • --projectdir now attempts to calculate a default when no value is provided
    • --target now has a default of .

Closed Issues:

  • 32 new PMD rules for AppExchange Security Review #1295
  • Salesforce Code Analyzer GitHub Actions #1297
  • [BUG] Scanner run taking more than 30minutes #1317
  • [BUG] sfdx installation error #1325

Merged Pull Requests:

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14689261@: The --target and --projectdir flags are no longer required. Defaults are provided. #1318
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13015046@: GraphEngine properly handles static and super calls. #1322
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14689261@: Restore --projectdir to allow multiple dirs again #1342

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): Our documentation now displays Salesforce CLI sf-style instead of sfdx-style commands. We recommend that you update your scripts and CI/CD processes to use sf-style commands. For more information, read Salesforce CLI Command Reference.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): To prepare your solution for AppExchange security review, we created an AppExchange-specific PMD rule engine, pmd-appexchange. This new, optional engine contains rules that help you identify common security review failure points, and fix them before you submit your solution. For more info on PMD and the pmd-appexchange engine, read our PMD documentation. For more information on using Salesforce Code Analyzer in the AppExchange security review process, read Scan Your Solution with Salesforce Code Analyzer in the ISVforce Guide.

Closed Issues:

  • New rule [Graph Engine]: Use With Sharing On Database Operation #1301
  • New rule [Graph Engine]: Avoid Database Operation In Loop #1300
  • New rule [Graph Engine]: Perform Null Check On SOQL Variables #1299
  • Support for CLI sf command #1298
  • Scanner Bug when using Zippex 3rd party class #1251
  • [Question] Is the Scanner using the latest PMD 7 RC? #1273
  • [BUG] Invalid deprecation warning about DomXPathRule for language xml #1246
  • [False Result] Inconsistency in "Validate CRUD permission before SOQL/DML operation" rule related to SOQL queries on custom metadata Objects. #1262

Merged Pull Requests:

  • NEW (PMD): @W-13222948@: Added AppExchange PMD subvariant #1309
  • CHANGE (Other): @W-14689342@: Add environment variable to output to an internal outfile #1307
  • CHANGE (Other): @W-14635578@: Updated node dependencies for engines #1306
  • CHANGE (Other): @W-14716658@: Refactored run/runDfa output handling #1304
  • CHANGE (Other): @W-14702830@: Refactored run/runDfa input handling and decoupled commands from cli #1302
  • CHANGE (Other): @W-14633315@: Converted pmd-cataloger tests to junit 5 and normalized test dependencies/tasks #1270
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14329763@: Migrated commands from SfdxCommand to SfCommand #1271
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14237678@: Allow RemoveUnusedMethod to run against constructors #1268

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (VS Code Extension): Code Analyzer dependencies are now shrink-wrapped when installed as part of Salesforce CLI sf commands and parameters.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG]When executing a custom ESlint rule with the scanner #1233
  • How to get the call graph/program graph from SFDX? #1239
  • Cannot install SFDX Scanner #1236

Merged pull requests:

  • CHANGE (OTHER): @W-14573108@: Turn on test logging for cli-messaging #1256
  • CHANGE (OTHER): @W-14573108@: Fix cli-messaging tests and make subprojects use same gradle version as root #1254
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14204096@: Fixed missing close-comment tag in issue template. #1238

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (VS Code Extension): Salesforce Code Analyzer VS Code extension is now available on the OpenVSX marketplace.
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): To provide you with more information and accurate help, we expanded and improved our issues templates and our Troubleshooting Common Issues guide.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] Operator is not handled for conditional clause: -: #1008
  • [BUG] TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'prototype') #1006
  • [Feature Request] Overview of Engines available #993
  • [BUG] Specifying a target path that contains escape characters doesn't work #952
  • [Feature Request] Create empty files if no violaitons found #1213
  • [Feature Request] enable remove eslint rules from rule list #264
  • [BUG] False positive "Definition for rule '@lwc/lwc/no-async-operation' was not found" #1161

Merged pull requests:

  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14204096@: Adjusted section in false report templates. #1227
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14204096@: Reworked Issue templates. #1221
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14329682@: Updated OCLIF dependencies. #1223
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12705540@: Added synthetic vertices for default/delegate constructors. #1193

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (GraphEngine): One recently released Graph Engine pilot rule is now generally available: PerformNullCheckOnSoqlVariables.
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): We updated the PMD engine so that Salesforce metadata files are no longer excluded by default.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] Unable to register and execute custom XML rules #1104
  • [BUG] ApexCRUDViolation false positive reported on dynamic sObject #1147
  • [BUG] #1192
  • [BUG] java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError #825
  • [BUG] Avoid operations in loop #1182
  • No output file if there are no violations #1157
  • [BUG] Install fails, Couldn't find any versions for "@babel/types" that matches "^7.22.18" #1179
  • [BUG] Unable to Install SFDX CLI Scanner in Win 10 Enterprise Edition #1066
  • [Feature Request] Provide first class native support in VSCode for Salesforce CLI Scanner #252
  • [BUG] pmd seemingly not found #1172

Merged pull requests:

  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14198199@: PMD no longer excludes SF metadata files by default. #1198
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-14139399@: PerformNullcheckOnSoqlVariables now GA. #1190
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14096244@: Restored behavior for violationless output on console. #1176
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-14009441@: create output file when no violations are found #1170

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (GraphEngine): To improve your code performance, we added one new pilot path-based Salesforce Graph Engine rule: PerformNullCheckOnSoqlVariables. This rule determines when a variable is noticed in the WHERE clause of a SOQL query and is missing a null check.
  • NEW (GraphEngine): Two recently released Graph Engine pilot rules are now generally available.
    • AvoidDatabaseOperationInLoop
    • UseWithSharingOnDatabaseOperation
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): To scan your code easily, we released the Salesforce Code Analyzer Visual Studio Code extension (beta).

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] ERROR: Class is defined in multiple files #1129
  • [BUG] #1163
  • [BUG] InternalExecutionError - Database.query with AccessLevel #1122
  • [BUG] sfdx scanner:run not working #1160
  • [BUG] eslint-lwc engines never runs #1151
  • JAVA_HOME error #1126
  • [BUG] Installation problem in Apple M1 Pro #1141
  • [BUG] Method-level targeting isn't supported with this command. #1139
  • Getting 'sourceCode.getScope is not a function' during js file validation #1102

Merged pull requests

  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-13569674@: Create PerformNullCheckOnSoqlVariables rule, fix instance variable resolution #1149
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-13869734@: Fix crash on explicit access level specified in Database.query method #1154
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-14009712@: GraphEngine rethrows fatal errors instead of logging them. #1162
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-14011226@: Allow graph engine to skip .sfdx, .sf, and node_modules folders when expanding paths #1159
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13959843@: UseWithSharingOnDatabaseOperation now GA. #1156
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13959834@: AvoidDatabaseOperationInLoop now GA. #1155
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-13845614@: Fix bug where trigger and class with same name are not allowed #1152

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (GraphEngine): To improve your code performance, we added two new pilot path-based Salesforce Graph Engine rules.
    • AvoidDatabaseOperationInLoop rule detects database operations in loops that degrade performance.
    • UseWithSharingOnDatabaseOperation rule detects database operations outside with-sharing annotated classes.
  • NEW (GraphEngine): One recently released Graph Engine pilot rule is now generally available and has been renamed: AvoidMultipleMassSchemaLookups (formerly MultipleMassSchemaLookupRule).
  • NEW (GraphEngine): We renamed the UnusedMethodRule (pilot) to RemoveUnusedMethod.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): To provide you with more guidance on building your own custom rules, we added a sample Java-based PMD rules repo. Use the sample repo along with the recommendations in Authoring Custom PMD Rules to build your custom rules.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] v3.12.0 - Attempted to resolve unregistered dependency token: "RuleManager" #1077
  • Running the scanner with category filter causes only the retirejs engine to be used #1131
  • [BUG] Files matched with .eslintignore appeared in the list of violations with severity 1 #1101
  • [BUG] Getting ESLINT-CUSTOM violations on .cls files when using custom eslintconfig #810
  • [BUG] Documentation for Compile Java-Based PMD Custom Rules is not sufficient #1025
  • [BUG] Trying to execute PMD XML rule with sfdx-scanner #1112

Merged pull requests

  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-13848149@: Adjusted violation URLs so they point to the proper anchors. #1134
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-13569669@: fixes bugs found in QA of UseWithSharingOnDatabaseOperation #1130
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13790909@: Adjusted url for RemoveUnusedMethod. #1128
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13720122@: Adjusted MMS rule URL to new value. #1127
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13790909@: Renamed UnusedMethodRule to RemoveUnusedMethod #1123
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-13569669@: Adds new rule, UseWithSharingOnDatabaseOperation #1124
  • CHANGE (ESLint): @W-8458220@: Custom ESLint config discards noisy violations from ignorefile. #1116
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13720122@: MultipleMassSchemaLookupRule going GA as AvoidMultipleMassSchemaLookups. #1125
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13569661@: Rename DmlInLoopRule to AvoidDatabaseOperationInLoop, update UI text #1121
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-13644357@: Updated README. #1114
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12943227@: Adds sample project for writing Java-based PMD custom rules. #1113
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-13569661@: Adds new rule, DmlInLoopRule #1110

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): The upcoming release of PMD 7.x contains some changes that require you to rewrite your PMD 6.x rules. Code Analyzer hasn’t upgraded to PMD 7.x yet. To alert you in advance about what you must change in your code to comply with PMD 7.x, we added a warning message. Fix your code, and if you need help, create an issue on our repo.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] Not Working eslintconfig #1099
  • [BUG] Internal Error #1053

Merged pull requests

  • CHANGE (PMD): @W-13603126@: Added warning for pmd7-incompatible rules. #1093
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13463071@: Changed violation messages to approved versions. #1098
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-13463071@: Handle multiple invocations of the same method #1094
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-13594221@: Added CPD and pmd-custom checks to smoke tests. #1092

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (GraphEngine): To improve your code performance, we added a new Salesforce Graph Engine path-based rule, MultipleMassSchemaLookupRule. This new rule detects scenarios where expensive schema lookups are made more than one time in a path and can cause performance degradation.
  • NEW (GraphEngine): DML transactions with the "as user" keyword are now treated as secure by ApexFlsViolationRule.
  • FIX (GraphEngine): We added support for the built-in string method, substringAfterLast().
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): We resolved an issue that caused Just-In-Time installations to fail on the first attempt.
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): We updated the --json flag to treat position information universally as numbers.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] UnimplementedMethodException: ApexStringValue #1003
  • [BUG] Severity threshold always returns exit code 0 #1071
  • [BUG] Path evaluation timed out after 900000 ms #1042
  • [BUG] Graph Engine reached the path expansion upper limit (6688).. The analysis preemptively stopped running on this path to prevent an OutOfMemory error. Rerun Graph Engine targeting this entry method with a larger heap space. #1041
  • [BUG] ApexSoqlInjection reported when there should be none #1031
  • [BUG] sfdx plugins:update does not automatically update to the latest v3.12.0. #1070

Merged pull requests

  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-13363157@: Handles loop exclusions more effectively #1085
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-13519850@: Bump vm2 from 3.9.17 to 3.9.19 #1076
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13363157@: Handles multiple levels of method call from loop definition #1084
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-13363157@: Exclude method calls from ForEach loop definition in MMSLookupRule #1082
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): @W-13473580@: Pmd output now treats position info as numbers. #1081
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12446560@: Updates apex-jorje-lsp jar with minor test changes #1079
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-12408352@: Classifies "as user" DML operations as safe. #1080
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-11989381@: Adds loop boundaries while walking the path #1078
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-12672062@: Add support for built-in String method substringAfterLast. #1074
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): @W-13151459@: IOC initializes in scanner command instead of OCLIF. #1073
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-13080871@: Triggers are now compiled and added to the graph. #1072
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13136274@: Sources are now specified at the rule level. #1068
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-11989381@: New MultipleMassSchemaLookupRule to detect performance degrading schema lookups. #1054
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-13123571@: Handle method invocations made directly on iterated array item #1062

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • CHANGE: (GraphEngine): UnusedMethodRule is now a path-based rule that’s invoked from scanner:run:dfa and covers many more cases than before. For more info on UnusedMethodRule, see Graph Engine Rules documentation.
  • NEW: (GraphEngine): Graph Engine now recognizes for-each-loop executed on class instances.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] can't use "sfdx project delete source" #1055
  • [BUG] @salesforce/sfdx-scanner > ts-node@10.9.1" has unmet peer dependency "@types/node@* #1000
  • INTERNAL ERROR: Unexpected error occurred while cataloging rules #1033

Merged pull requests

  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-13114136@: Updates package.json and retire-js vulnerabilities #1064
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-13114136@: Bump vm2 from 3.9.14 to 3.9.17 #1056
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12278342@: Expands paths on ForEach loop value method invocation. #1060
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12696440@: UnusedMethodRule is now pilot. #1052
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-13015204@: Path expansion properly resolves inner-class references. #1050
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-13021340@: UnusedMethodRule now ignores constructors. #1049
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-12696440@: Switched usage tracking to more threadsafe style. #1048
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-13015237@: sfge-disable-next-line now works for MethodVertex. #1046
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12696440@: Refactored UnusedMethodRule into a PathBased rule. #1039
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12729175@: Update Production heartbeat timings #1040
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12733533@: Creates a violation type for UserFacing message #1030

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We updated the PMD engine to version 6.55.0.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (GraphEngine): We added a new rule, ApexNullPointerExceptionRule, to Graph Engine. Use this rule to identify Apex operations in your code that throw NullPointerExceptions. Read ApexNullPointerExceptionRule documentation documentation for more info.
  • FIX (GraphEngine): We updated Graph Engine’s UnusedMethodRule to detect all static, unused methods.
  • FIX (GraphEngine): We updated Graph Engine's UnusedMethodRule to detect all unused constructors.

Closed issues:

  • Unable to install sfdx-scanner plugin #1019
  • [BUG] SFGE reports false positives for constructors only called within a given class #1001
  • [BUG] FLS Violation not being found #1017
  • [BUG] Cannot add custom ruleset with XPATH rules #1018
  • [Bug] How to Install the plugin link is not working #1011
  • [BUG] - Error when running any command: Only json and js message files are allowed, not .md #998
  • [BUG] Cannot execute PMD scan with custom XML rules #992

Merged pull requests

  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-12672520@: Fixes format in UI text message #1029
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12672520@: Applies UI text feedback #1024
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12494075@: Adjusted messages for ApexNullPointerExceptionRule. #1021
  • CHANGE (PMD): @W-12699831@: Upgrades PMD version to 6.55.0 #1022
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-12696959@: UnusedMethodRule now fully supports constructors. #1020
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-11464344@: UnusedMethodRule supports static methods, tests enabled and passing. #1014
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12672065@: Handles backend changes to cover remaining NPE Rule cases. #1016
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-12494075@: Add new rule ApexNullPointerExceptionRule #1010
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12671389@: Fixed broken links in README. #1012
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-11464344@: Refactored implementation of UnusedMethodRule. #1013
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-11464344@: Refactored tests for UnusedMethodRule. #1002

Full Changelog

  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We updated the PMD engine to version 6.54.0.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): We updated the reference to the eslint-recommended config to point to the updated ESLint dependency. This resolves the error received on new direct or CI/CD installs of Code Analyzer: ERROR Cannot find module '/home/runner/.local/share/sfdx/node_modules/eslint/conf/eslint-recommended.js
  • FIX (GraphEngine): We added a new parameter, --pathexplimit, on scanner:run:dfa to customize Graph Engine's scans of complex codebases. SFGE_PATH_EXPANSION_LIMIT is an alternative environment variable to provide the same customization. These options reduce the number of OutOfMemory errors produced. For more information, check out our documentation.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] ERROR Cannot find module '/home/runner/.local/share/sfdx/node_modules/eslint/conf/eslint-recommended.js' #986
  • [Azure DevOps Pipeline error || Cannot find module - share/sfdx/node_modules/eslint/conf/eslint-recommended.js ] #987
  • naming convention #982
  • [BUG] Typescript ESlint throws "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')" error. #974

Merged pull requests

  • CHANGE (PMD): @W-12576383@: Upgrades PMD to version 6.54.0. #983
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12439992@: Adds a new parameter to control path expansion limits. #977
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12439992@: Applies limit on how far Path Expansion registry data can grow to prevent OutOfMemory error #971
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12423302@: Decreasing stack depth to a more helpful value #972
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12423302@: Excludes evaluating paths that have stack depth over the allowed Apex governor limit. #970
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-12138700@: Adds proper handling of boolean == false and != true cases. #966

Full Changelog

  • NEW (GraphEngine): We added a new graph-based rule, UnimplementedTypeRule. This rule identifies abstract classes and interfaces that are non-global and are missing implementations or extensions. See UnimplementedTypeRule for more information.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We updated the PMD engine to version 6.53.0.
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW (GraphEngine): We added sample code to support the unused methods and unused classes and interfaces rules to sfge-working-app.
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): We updated the scanner:rule:describe and scanner:rule:list –engine sfge commands to provide info on which Graph Engine rules run with scanner:run and which rules run with scanner.
  • FIX (GraphEngine): We optimized heap usage of Graph Engine which decreases the frequency of OutOfMemory error.
  • FIX (GraphEngine): In Winter '23, Apex added a WITH USER_MODE keyword to SOQL queries. Graph Engine recognizes this keyword as secure.
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): We updated our internal dependencies on @salesforce/core and @salesforce/command, resulting in minor cosmetic changes to command output.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] Not able to run code scan in Staging environment. Error message is in attached screenshot. #933
  • [Feature Request] Visual Studio Code Plugin #945
  • [Feature Request] Do you scan for missing try catch? Which rule would that be please #738
  • [BUG] Java version not supported. Please install Java 1.8 or later in MacOS #625
  • [BUG] Accept ES6 in LWC lint #372
  • [Feature Request] Salesforce Scanner CLI - GitHub Action #345
  • the extention salesforce cli integration took a very long time to complete its last operation #335
  • How to use it in Jenkins? #303
  • Is there a way to scan only the files specified in the manifest/package.xml file instead? #302
  • Salesforce CLI Scanner Integration #304
  • Make it an official Github scanner #239
  • Feature Request - Visualization options #170
  • [BUG] Unable to install the scanner #951

Merged pull requests

  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12458730@: Addresses InvalidRange error on output processing. #964
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-11632796@: Optimizes data generated by path expansion to ease heap usage. #963
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-12412851@: Add sample code for new GraphEngine rules. #962
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-11988837@: Adds support for USER_MODE in SOQL queries. #961
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-11988855@: Addition of new rule UnimplementedTypeRule. #944
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12413070@: scanner:rule and scanner:rule include DFA/non-DFA info. #960
  • CHANGE (PMD): @W-12274063@: Update PMD to 6.53.0. #957
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-11632796@: Changes to improve heapspace usage of Graph Engine #954
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12274055@: Update various dependencies. #955
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-11294254@: Resolve errors in RetireJS catalog updater. #947
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12300714@: Mocha test failures now display more readably. #940
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12300714@: Test failures produce more readable output. #938

Full Changelog

  • NEW (Code Analyzer): scanner:run command executes graph-based rules from Graph Engine. Invoke the new rule by executing scanner:run command with --engine sfge and providing the --projectdir parameter. This behavior is different from path-based rules that are executed with scanner:run:dfa.
  • NEW (Graph Engine): We added a new graph-based rule, UnusedMethodRule. This rule detects methods contained in your code that aren’t invoked. See RemoveUnusedMethodRule for more information.
  • FIX (Graph Engine): ApexCrudFlsRule now understands multiple levels of method invocations on Schema Standard Library objects within for-loops.
  • FIX (Graph Engine): ApexCrudFlsRule now understands for-each iterations on Set data types and acknowledges Schema-based checks within the loops.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] False positive FLS when using custom access utility class #862
  • [BUG] ERROR running scanner:run: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getInstance') #891
  • [BUG] ENV variable is not working #920

Merged pull requests

  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-11999008@: Add UnusedMethodRule to GraphEngine in disabled state. #915
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-11999008@: Light refactor of UnusedMethodRule. #916
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-11999008@: Refactoring appropriate methods into PathEntryPointUtil. #917
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-11999008@: Refactor DFA-based GraphEngine in preparation for enabling new rule. #918
  • NEW (CodeAnalyzer): @W-11999008@: scanner now accepts --engine sfge and includes UnusedMethodRule. #919
  • NEW (GraphEngine): @W-11533657@: New 'missingOptionsBehavior' config property allows control over what happens if GraphEngine lacks proper config. #921
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-12138734@: Method invocation on Schema library objects within a forloop are now translated correctly. #922
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-12138734@: Handles forEach loops executed on Set data type. #923
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-11999008@: Messages now meet doc team standards. #924
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-11533657@: Messages now meet doc team standards. #925
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-11533657@: Removed config. SFGE runs if explicitly requested, otherwise skipped. #926
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12273138@: Updating find-java-home to latest to avoid MacOS Ventura error. #928
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-11999008@: UnusedMethodRule has correct URL, and displays correct columns. #929

Full Changelog

  • NEW: We opened the Discussions feature on our GitHub repo. Use Discussions to ask and answer questions, share info, and participate in Code Analyzer and Graph Engine development.
  • NEW: To integrate Code Analyzer into your continuous integration/continuous development (CI/CD) process, read our CI/CD Integration documentation.
  • NEW: We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW: We updated the PMD engine to version 6.51.0
  • FIX: SObjectType.My_Obj__c is now recognized as a valid DescribeSObjectResult.
  • FIX: My_Obj__c.My_Field__c is now recognized as a valid SObjectField- .

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] Winter 22 Assert classes are not considered when scanning for PMD.ApexUnitTestClassShouldHaveAsserts rule #836
  • List command - INTERNAL ERROR: Unexpected error occurred while cataloging rules: null #882
  • [Question] Can the DFA detect CRUD/FLS using all forms of schema checking? #883
  • [BUG] SObjectType.My_Obj__c is not recognized as a DescribeSObjectResult type #890

Merged pull requests

  • @W-11831625@: Ported testing jobs from CircleCI to Github Actions. #843
  • CHANGE(GraphEngine): @W-12024733@ We upgraded spotless plugin version to 6.11.0. #874
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-11326833@: We more robustly enforce PR naming conventions. #876
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12028485@: User-facing message no longer mentions SFGE. #879
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-11326833@: PR scope of 'other' is now allowed in PR titles. #880
  • CHANGE (CodeAnalyzer): @W-11831625@: Our CI will now output more informative information. #884
  • CHANGE (PMD): @W-12107365@: Upgrade to PMD 6.51.0 #892
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-11992240@: Handle more SObjectField and DescribeSObjectResult formats #893
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-12130636@: Update Apache Log4j to 2.17.1 #894
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12130427@: Enclose telemetry callouts in try-catch blocks. #896
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-12028485@: Replace SFGE in Graph Engine error messages. #897
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12130427@: Replace unnecessary message template with hardcoded string. #898
  • CHANGE (GraphEngine): @W-11988825@: Update error message for internal error violations. #901
  • FIX (CodeAnalyzer): @W-12168234@: Replicate dependabot changes in new PR. #903
  • FIX (GraphEngine): @W-11988825@: Links for non-rule-related GraphEngine violations now point to ApexFlsViolationRule doc #904

Full Changelog

  • NEW: Code Analyzer v3.x is now the default version for all users.
  • NEW [SFGE]: Use the --rule-disable-warning-violation flag with scanner:run to disable warnings on StripInaccessible calls with AccessType.READABLE.
  • CHANGE [SFGE]: We removed the --ignore-parse-errors option from scanner:run:dfa.
  • CHANGE: We've updated Code Analyzer and Graph Engine help text and user interface messages.
  • NEW: We've updated PMD to version 6.50.0.

Merged pull requests

  • CHANGE: @W-11606055@: SFCA v3.x will now publish as both latest and latest-pilot. #803
  • CHANGE: @W-11733210@: We made SFCA source config data from Config.json instead of Config-pilot.json. #829
  • NEW: @W-11261216@: SFCA exposes SFGE_RULE_DISABLE_WARNING_VIOLATION through flag and env-var. #832
  • FIX: @W-11723805@: Fixed null pointer exception when parsing comments with empty commas. #835
  • DOC: @W-11733245@: Fixed inline documentation for scanner:run:dfa. #839
  • CHANGE: @W-11790341@: Compilation errors now give more digestible message.#840
  • NEW: @W-11689621@: Updated PMD to 6.50.0. #841
  • FIX: @W-11733245@ Fixed spacing and fullstop on SFGE violation messages. #844
  • CHANGE: @W-11919914@ Removed --ignore-parse-errors option from scanner:run:dfa #845
  • CHANGE: @W-11733226@: Updated messages to conform to guidelines. #846
  • FIX: @W-11733226@ Applied minor fixes to UI message. #848

Full Changelog

  • NEW: We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.

Merged pull requests

  • CHANGE: @W-11261182@: Added SFGE-side telemetry events. #828

Full Changelog

  • NEW: We made some updates to the RetireJS vulnerability database.
  • NEW: To provide more memory while running scanner:run:dfa, use the --sfgejvmargs parameter. See Understand OutOfMemory Java Heap Space Error for more detail.
  • FIX: If Salesforce Graph Engine errors out, partial results are now captured.

Merged pull requests:

  • FIX: @W-11645973@remove noisy CliAppender warning logs when SFGE_LOG_WARNINGS_ON_VERBOSE is false #805
  • NEW: @W-11646074@ Added --sfgejvmargs paramter to scanner:run:dfa command #806
  • @W-11581708@: CHANGE: scanner:run command logs more constructively with --verbose. #807
  • FIX: @W-11651888@ Salvage results collected by SFGE even if the analysis encounters an error #808
  • CHANGE: @W-11261182@: SFCA can now emit telemetry events based on messages passed from SFGE. #811
  • CHORE: @W-11732835@: Release activities for v3.5.0 release. #819

Full Changelog

  • NEW [SFGE]: We now display progress information of Salesforce Graph Engine's analysis while executing scanner:run:dfa command.
  • NEW: If a JavaScript target file is analyzed by both eslint and eslint-lwc, we throw a warning about duplicate violations to alert you that you should modify your configuration.
  • NEW: We updated the RetireJS Vulnerability Repository.
  • NEW: We upgraded PMD to 6.48.0.
  • CHANGE: We replaced eslint's parser with @babel/eslint-parser.
  • FIX: We removed the survey request banner's stylization.
  • FIX [SFGE]: When Salesforce Graph Engine (SFGE) is unable to resolve a method call or a variable passed to a database operation, it no longer throws an internal error. Instead, SFGE creates a violation to let you know that you need to verify the CRUD/FLS access of the operation manually.

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] UnexpectedException on v3 DFA on large ISV codebase #739
  • [BUG] stdout not in proper JSON format when --format json is used #771
  • apex.jorje.parser.impl.BaseApexLexer dedupe #779
  • [BUG] adding custom rule #788

Merged pull requests:

  • @W-11446174@: changed eslint parser to @babel/eslint-parser #767
  • @W-10778096@ Handle unresolvable parameters passed to database operations #768
  • @W-10778096@ Minor error message fixes #770
  • @W-11494080@ Fix survey request formatting issue #773
  • @W-11476976@ Don't block stripInaccessible() on custom value #780
  • @W-11446192@: checks if any files are processed by both eslint and eslint-lwc and emits warning #782
  • @W-11505293@ Skip info logs from dependency #784
  • @W-10778080@ Handle unresolved apex value in DML statements gracefully #785
  • @W-10459671@ Provide progress information of SFGE on verbose mode #792
  • @W-11567651@: Updating PMD to v6.48.0. #794
  • @W-10459671@ Redirecting ApexPathExpander logs to log file #796
  • @W-11606553@ 3.4.0 Release updates #799

Full Changelog

  • SFGE: Added new entry points for CRUD/FLS rule:
    • Methods annotated with @InvocableMethod
    • Methods annotated with @NamespaceAccessible
    • Methods annotated with @RemoteAction
    • Methods with global scope on any class
    • handleInboundEmail() method on implementations of Messaging.InboundEmailHandler
  • SFGE: Ability to recognize static code blocks in Apex
  • SFGE: Return intelligible error to users when the engine encounters unreachable code that blocks the code flow
  • Upgraded PMD to 6.47.0
  • New banner with survey link to get feedback from users

Merged pull requests:

  • @W-11179348@: optimizing windows-unit-tests runtime #716
  • @W-10459675@: Part 1 of several. Added NamespaceAccessible-annotated methods as sources. #735
  • @W-10459675@: Added support for RemoteAction methods. #736
  • @W-10459675@: Part 3 of several. Added global methods as sources. #737
  • @W-11261233@ Handle static blocks in classes #740
  • @W-11261233@ SFGE: adding ability to programmatically enable/disable rules #741
  • @W-10459675@: Part 4 of several. Added Messaging.InboundEmailHandler implementations as sources. #742
  • @W-10459675@: Part 5 of 5. Added InvocableMethod-annotated methods as sources. #743
  • @W-10459675@: Renamed InheritanceEdgeBuilder to reflect its broadened behavior. #744
  • @W-11404189@: Added VIRTUAL and OVERRIDE keywords to graph. #746
  • @W-11404189@ Adding error message for unreachable code #747
  • @W-11267443@ Upgrading to PMD 6.47.0 #749
  • @W-11397711@: Added banner requesting that people take our survey. #753
  • @W-11445992@: Update version number in preparation for 3.3.0 release. #754
  • @W-11397711@: Updated text to match feedback from PR. #757

Full Changelog

  • Support for method-level targeting while executing scanner:run:dfa command
  • SFGE: Adding engine directive type sfge-disable-stack to annotate a stack of code paths
  • New --verbose-violations flag on scanner:run command to fetch more informative violations from retire-js engine
  • Update RetireJS vulnerabilities

Closed issues:

  • [Feature Request] Support retire-js verbose output #560

Merged pull requests:

  • @W-10759090@: Implemented method-level targeting for SFGE, and message-passing system to allow for proper logging. #710
  • @W-10127077@: adds --verbose-violations flag and functionality #712
  • @W-11120894@: Added proper cloning for EngineDirective nodes. #715
  • @W-11281093@ sfge and pmd-cataloger should be available as independent projects #720
  • @W-10759090@: Resolves problems identified in code review #721
  • @W-11267235@: violation messages use a semicolon instead of a line break in json format #723
  • @W-11267130@: violation messages use
    instead of \n in html #724
  • @W-11321290@ RetireJs updates + package number update to 3.2.0 #727

Full Changelog

  • Fixed minor HTML format issues
  • Allow --outfile to accept extensions in mixed case
  • Update RetireJS vulnerabilities

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] RetireJS can not be found #672

Merged pull requests:

  • @W-11157448@: RetireJS now runs using the same node process that is currently running #682
  • @W-11150817@: Changed HTML templates to use Code Analyzer instead of CLI Scanner #684
  • @W-11149653@: Fixed HTML output formatting error. #683
  • @W-11179316@ Updating retirejs JSON on dev-3 #698
  • @W-11149717@: All cases accepted for file extension when using --outfile #696

Full Changelog

  • Added Salesforce Graph Engine (SFGE) as a new backend engine
  • Added scanner:run:dfa command to execute dfa-based rules
  • Updated PMD version to 6.45.0
  • Updated RetireJS vulnerabilities

Merged pull requests:

  • @W-11056765@: Updated retire-js vulnerabilities. #654
  • @W-11056765@: Updated retire-js vulnerabilities. #658
  • @W-11099120@ Applying dependabot changes to 3.x #663
  • @W-11100262@: Fixing failing smoke tests. #667
  • @W-11099120@ Applying nokogiri change to dev-3 #668
  • @W-11103167@: Updating PMD to 6.45.0. #670
  • @W-11119708@ Adding SFG Engine #673
  • @W-10909739@: Fixed problem with SFGE_IGNORE_PARSE_ERRORS env-var. #674
  • @W-11119708@: Added files for sample documentation. #675
  • @W-10459665@ Cleanup related to doc changes #678
  • @W-11111352@: SARIF and Table format now properly format output in the event of SFGE errors. #679
  • @W-11151793@: Changed logging level in tests from debug to info. #680
  • @W-11163136@ Updating package version #686

Full Changelog

  • RetireJS is now included with the default engines
  • Removed deprecated flag --violations-cause-error on scanner:run
  • Updated PMD to 6.44.0
  • Updated Eslint to 6.8.0
  • Updated RetireJS to 2.2.5
  • Updated Typescript to 4.6.2
  • Fixed linting issues related to upgrades

Closed issues:

  • [BUG] sfdx-scanner install/update fail - broken URL #613
  • [FEATURE REQUEST]Support Scan Flows #558

Merged pull requests:

  • @W-11032595@ [3.x] Added salesforce-cli context to release pipeline #641
  • @W-10998410@: Added backwards-compatibility for configs. #633
  • @W-10909748@: RetireJS now properly counts as implicitly requested. #632
  • @W-10977766@: Updated PMD to v6.44.0 #628
  • @W-10909748@: RetireJS is now enabled by default. #626
  • @W-10459712@: Final wave of linting fixes #624
  • @W-9648595@: Updated dependencies #623
  • @W-10459712@: Fifth wave of linting fixes. #621
  • @W-10459712@: Fourth wave of linting fixes. #620
  • @W-10459712@: Third wave of linting fixes. #619
  • @W-10459712@: Second wave of linting fixes. #618
  • @W-10459712@: First set of linting fixes. #616
  • @W-10459712@: Fixed configuration errors with ESLint #615
  • @W-10459713@: Remove deprecated/unimplemented flags #605
  • @W-10771486@: Updated retirejs vulnerability catalog to capture Feb-Mar 2022 changes. #604
  • @W-10459712@: Upgraded ECMAScript engines to latest versions #600
  • @W-10782883@: Updating package.json to 3.0.0 #598
  • @W-10777806@: Bump nokogiri from 1.12.5 to 1.13.3 in /docs #597
  • @W-10769365@: Updated Typescript from 3.8.2 to 4.6.2 #596
  • @W-10459699@: PR verification github action now expects a version indicator for PRs intended to be merged to dev. #595
  • @W-10459699@: Added smoke test execution against dev-3 pilot branch #591

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator