Create a Custom Exercise Type That Uses a Screen Flow

This implementation example demonstrates how to create a custom exercise type that uses an active screen flow. After creating this custom exercise type, an Enablement admin can search for a screen flow to use with the exercise in Program Builder. When users take the program in the Guidance Center, they see the screen flow when they complete the exercise.

To follow the code in this custom exercise implementation example, download the file.

To store the records associated with the screen flows, create a custom object. Connect the screen flow records to the LearningItem object. You can find the code examples in the objects folder of the downloaded files.

  1. Create a custom object called ScreenFlow_Object__c.

    See Create a Custom Object in Salesforce Help or Custom Objects in the Object Reference for the Salesforce Platform.

  2. On the standard object LearningItem, create a custom field called ScreenFlow_Field__c that references the ScreenFlow_Object__c object, as shown in this example.

    See Create Custom Fields in Salesforce Help and Custom Fields in the Object Reference for the Salesforce Platform.

To configure how a custom exercise appears when Enablement admins edit a program or when users take the program in the Guidance Center, define a corresponding category and subcategory for each custom exercise type.

For the category property, assign the value Exercise. The subcategory property contains the name and icon of the custom exercise type in Program Builder and the Guidance Center.

Custom items in the Enablement Programs Builder

Create a Screen Flow subcategory by using Metadata API. See Quick Start: Metadata API in the Metadata API Developer Guide. You can find the code examples in the learningItemTypes and enblProgramTaskSubCategories folders of the downloaded files.

  1. Create a LearningItemType metadata type record that represents the custom exercise type in the Guidance Center.

    This definition references the custom object and the custom field on the LearningItem object that you created in Set Up the Objects for the Custom Exercise Type.

    Specify these properties:


    Specifies an Apex class that defines how progress and completion of the custom exercise are assessed when users take the program in the Guidance Center. See Track a User's Progress in a Custom Exercise.


    Specifies an Apex class that defines how data related to the custom exercise type is retrieved and deployed with change sets or managed packages.


    Specifies the icon to use for the custom exercise type. Use the format iconType:iconName, where the values correspond to icon types and names from the Salesforce Lightning Design System. This example uses the Standard type Flow icon, so this value is standard:flow.

  2. Create an EnblProgramTaskSubCategory metadata type record that represents the custom exercise type in Program Builder. This definition references the LearningItemType metadata record that you created.

When an Enablement admin adds the custom exercise type to a program in Program Builder, they search for a specific content record to use for that instance of the exercise. To specify how Enablement admins find the appropriate content for the exercise, customize the exercise’s property editor. This example implements a search box for finding screen flow records and a dropdown to select a record.

Property editor of custom exercise in the Enablement Programs Builder

To customize the property editor, create an LWC and add it to the Program Builder’s property sheet of the custom learning item. You can find the code examples in the lwc folder of the downloaded files.

  1. Create an LWC bundle. Let's name our example bundle screenFlowPropertyEditor.

    See Trailhead: Build Lightning Web Components or Create Lightning Web Components in the Lightning Web Components Developer Guide.

  2. In the screenFlowPropertyEditor.html file, configure how the screen flow picker is rendered in the property editor.

  3. In the screenFlowPropertyEditor.js-meta.xml configuration file, specify the lightning__PropertyEditor target, as shown in this example.

  4. In the screenFlowPropertyEditor.js file, declare an @api variable named value to store the selected custom object record ID in Program Builder.

    Add the LWC of the custom property editor to the customContent property of the property sheet. See the Add the Custom Exercise Type to Program Builder section. The ID of the record that the Enablement admin selects for the exercise in Program Builder is stored in the value attribute of the customContent property. To change the value from this property editor component, call the valuechange event and specify the custom object record ID.

  • Only the selected customContent property value is passed to the LWC. No other metadata information like min, max, or label, are passed.

  • When the program is in the Published state, custom exercise properties in Program Builder, such as day, are in read-only mode. However, when you implement a custom property editor by adding the custom LWC to the editor attribute of the customContent property, the LWC doesn’t automatically get disabled when the program is published. This is because the LWC doesn’t know about the published state or read-only mode.

  • To add the LWC of the custom property editor to the customContent property of the lightning__EnablementProgram target, configure these attributes.

    • Add the LWC of the custom property editor to the editor attribute.

    • The label attribute isn’t used but must be included with a placeholder value.

See Add the Custom Exercise Type to Program Builder

To add the custom exercise type with screen flows to the Components palette in Program Builder, create an LWC. You can find the code examples in the lwc folder of the downloaded files.

  1. Create an LWC bundle. Let's name our example bundle screenFlow.

    See Trailhead: Build Lightning Web Components or Create Lightning Web Components in the Lightning Web Components Developer Guide.

  2. Leave the screenFlow.html file empty. We don’t render the markup of this HTML file.

  3. In the screenFlow.js-meta.xml configuration file, add and configure the lightning__EnablementProgram target, as shown in this example. This LWC target adds the custom exercise type to the Components palette. The target properties are the options available in the Program Builder property sheet when an Enablement admin adds the custom exercise type to a program.

    Make the default attribute of the subcategory property point to the developerName of the EnblProgramTaskSubCategory Metadata type record. The editor attribute of the customContent property calls the screenFlowPropertyEditor LWC, which you created in the Customize the Property Editor for the Custom Exercise Type section.

  4. In the screenFlow.js file, include the @api variables for each property configured in the .js-meta.xml file.

  5. In the screenFlow.svg file, add the custom exercise icon as an SVG image, as shown here. Program Builder shows this icon in the Custom Items section of the Components palette.

    To find the SVG definition of an icon, download the icons from the Salesforce Lightning Design System website and navigate to the SVG file for the icon you want to use.

Create a new LWC component for showing the custom exercise type in the Guidance Center. You can find the code examples in the lwc folder of the downloaded files.

  1. Create an LWC bundle. Let's name our example bundle screenFlowViewer.

    See Trailhead: Build Lightning Web Components or Create Lightning Web Components in the Lightning Web Components Developer Guide.

  2. In the screenFlowViewer.html file, configure how to display the custom exercise in the Guidance Center.

  3. In the screenFlowViewer.js-meta.xml configuration file, expose this component to other namespaces, and specify the API version.

    Salesforce’s internal LWC that invokes this LWC is in a different namespace. To make this component visible to other namespaces, expose this component.

  4. In the screenFlowViewer.js file, add these methods and variables.

    • getFlowDeveloperName(): Fetches the screen flow’s developer name by using this method of the optional custom ResourceController Apex class. You can add more Apex classes to ResourceController for additional customization. You can find an example in the classes/ResourceController.cls file of the download.
    • @api customContent: Contains the ID of the content record that the Enablement admin selected for the custom exercise in Program Builder.
    • @api learningItemId: Contains the learning item record ID, which you can use as input to evaluateLearningItem API to determine the progress of the custom exercise. See Track a User's Progress in a Custom Exercise and evaluateLearningItem LWC wire adapter reference in the Lightning Web Components Developer Guide.

That's it! Enablement admins can now start adding the screen flow custom exercise type to programs, and users can start taking the exercise when they enroll in programs.