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Deploy Enablement Programs from a Sandbox to Production

After you create and test Enablement programs, measures, and content in a sandbox, migrate the data to production with Metadata API in change sets or Salesforce CLI.

User Permissions Needed
To access Enablement programs and measures:Design and Deliver Enablement Programs OR Design and Deliver Enablement Lite Programs
To access Digital Experiences content for program exercises:Content Manager contributor role in the Enablement workspace in Digital Experiences
To access assessment surveys used with Feedback Request exercises:Read on Surveys (enabled on the default Manage Enablement Essentials permission set and the default Manage Enablement Lite Essentials permission set) AND Sharing access to assessment surveys
To access Einstein Coach used with Feedback Request exercises:Use Einstein Coach AND Use Conversation Insights for Sales AND Prompt Template User default permission set
To access a site used with a Partner Enablement program:Create and Set Up Experiences OR Customize Application OR Member of a supported Experience Cloud site

Complete these steps using change sets or Salesforce CLI. For help with change sets or Salesforce CLI, check out these resources first.

From the source org, retrieve the program’s dependencies first, then retrieve the program.

  1. If the program has Audio Recording, Document, Event, Lesson, Link, Other, and Video exercises, export the corresponding Digital Experiences content. See Import and Export Content with Salesforce CMS.
  2. If the program has Feedback Request exercises for peer and manager feedback, retrieve the corresponding assessment surveys by using the FlowDefinition metadata type.
  3. If the program is for Partner Enablement in a supported Experience Cloud site, retrieve the site by using the Network metadata type.
  4. Retrieve the Enablement measures associated with the program’s outcome and milestones by using the EnablementMeasureDefinition metadata type.
  5. Retrieve the program by using the EnablementProgramDefinition metadata type.

In the destination org, deploy the program’s dependencies first, then deploy the program.

  1. Import the Digital Experiences content to the Enablement workspace, and publish the content.
  2. If the program has Feedback Request exercises for peer and manager feedback, import the corresponding assessment surveys by using the FlowDefinition metadata type.
  3. If the program has Feedback Request exercises that use Einstein Coach, make sure that Einstein Coach and Einstein Conversation Insights (ECI) are turned on. See Set Up Einstein Coach.
  4. If the program is for Partner Enablement in a supported Experience Cloud site, deploy the site by using the Network metadata type.
  5. Deploy the Enablement measures associated with the program’s outcome and milestones by using the EnablementMeasureDefinition metadata type.
  6. Deploy the program by using the EnablementProgramDefinition metadata type.