Digital Commerce Artifacts

Salesforce Industries provides several example applications and source code to help you create your own Digital Commerce experience. The topics in this section contain instructions for accessing and downloading the files and components to enable the Digital Commerce Web Components, Digital Commerce Lightning Web Components, Lightning Web Component OmniScript Datapack, and the Digital Commerce Software Development Toolkit (SDK).

You can use the samples as a starting point for making your own Digital Commerce web site. You are free to modify and enhance the examples to fit your requirements; however, the examples are not meant to be used in a production environment.

For information about how to download the Vlocity Web Components or Vlocity Lightning Web Components artifacts, see Digital Commerce Lightning Web Component Artifacts.

For example, using Vlocity Web Components or Vlocity Lightning Web Components, you can create applications similar to those shown below.

Web page with Web Components or Lightning Web Components

Web page with Web Components or Lightning Web Components

The Digital Commerce Software Development Toolkit (SDK) allows access to the components you need to develop your own applications. For information, see the Digital Commerce SDK Architecture.

SDK allows access to the components you need to develop your own applications

You can also use Vlocity OmniScripts to create your application. For information about how to download the Digital Commerce Lightning Web Components Sample OmniScript data pack.

use OmniScripts to create your application