TMF620 v4 Product Catalog Management
The Product Catalog Management API allows the management of the entire lifecycle of the catalog elements, the consultation of catalog elements during several processes such as ordering process, campaign management, and sales management.
The Product Catalog Management API is certified by TM Forum.
- For TMF Open API release and specification version, see Industry API Version.
- For resource mappings, see TMF620 Resource Mappings.
- For use cases, see TMF620 Use Cases.
Ensure you complete these prerequisites before using the TMF620 API:
You must have at least one of these licenses:
- Permission Set Licenses for Shared Product Catalog and Industries CPQ provisioned in your Salesforce org.
- A Managed Package License assigned to the API user.
Install the TMF620 multipack and Attribute Category datapacks. See TMF620 datapacks.
Note: In API version 57.0, the TMF620 multipack includes these TMF620 resources:
- Catalog
- Category
- Product Offering
- Product Offering Price
- Product Specification
Attribute Category is a stand-alone data pack.
If you are using Salesforce API version 58.0 and later, TMF620 API are available as static resources. Import the TMF620 static resources to your Salesforce org. See Import TMFOpenAPI Static Resources.
Refer the following table, which lists sample URL for the respective TMF620 API resources.
TMF620 Resource | Sample URL |
Catalog | {https |
Category | {https |
Product Offering | {https |
Product Offering Price | {https |
Product Specification | {https |
To access and use the TMF620 v4 API:
- Read and accept the terms and conditions of usage. See Accept Terms and Enable Access.
- Authorize and use a connected app and an OAuth 2.0 authorization flow. See Authorize Access.
- Trigger the API call. Refer the above table for sample URL.
- Use the TMF620 API available resources and API endpoints. See TMF620 Resource Mappings and TMF620 API Endpoints.
- Based on the requirements, extend and customize TMF620 API. Extend the TMF620 API.